The Outlist of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Intersex, Queer, and Ally Astronomers!
Purpose As professionals in astronomy, whether we are students, faculty, staff, librarians or are working in other positions, we all like to believe that our work environment is determined only by our capabilities as students and researchers, and that it is free from personal bias. A productive professional atmosphere depends on open and accepting interactions of individuals free from discrimination and harrassment. As openly lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex, and queer (LGBTIQ) members of the astronomical community, we strongly believe that there is no place for discrimination based on sexual orientation/preference or gender identity/expression. We want to actively maintain and promote a safe, accepting and supportive environment in all our work places. We invite other LGBTIQ members of the astronomical community to join us in being visible and to reach out to those who still feel that it is not yet safe for them to be public. As experts, TAs, instructors, professors and technical staff, we serve as professional role models every day. Let us also become positive examples of members of the LGBTIQ community at large. For members of the non-LGBTIQ community, we invite you to make visible your acceptance of LGBTIQ people. We urge you to make visible (and audible) your objections to derogatory comments and "jokes" about LGBTIQ people. |
The Outlist |
In the light of the above statements, we, your fellow students, alumni/ae, faculty, coworkers, and friends, sign this message. |
Name | Position/Affiliation | Web Page and/or Email |
Brian Abbott | Assistant Director, Hayden Planetarium American Museum of Natural History | abbott[at] |
Diana Eva Azcarate | Research Scientist, Instituto Argentino de Radioastronomia |
iazcarate[at] |
Jeremy Bailin | Assistant Professor University of Alabama |
jbailin[at] |
Joseph Barranco | Associate Professor, San Francisco State | barranco[at] |
Aaron Bell | Master's Student, University of Tokyo | abell[at] |
Omer Blaes | Professor, UCSB | blaes[at] |
Kristin Block | Spacecraft Science Ops, Lunar and Planetary Lab, The University of Arizona | kblock[at] |
Elizabeth Bohlen | Computer Specialist, SAO | liz[at] |
Laura Brenneman | Postdoctoral Fellow Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics |
lbrenneman[at] |
Murray Brightman | Postdoctoral Fellow California Institute of Technology |
murray[at] |
Martyn Bristow | Astrophysics PhD Student Liverpool John Moores University | |
Carolyn Brinkworth | Associate Staff Scientist, Science Affairs, NExScI/IPAC/Caltech and Education and Outreach Scientist, Spitzer/IPAC/Caltech |
csb[at] |
Alfredo Carpineti | Visiting Researcher, Imperial College London | |
Rob Cockcroft | Graduate Student McMaster University |
cockcroft[at] |
Jeff Coughlin | Graduate Student New Mexico State University | jlcough[at] |
Robert Cumming | Communications Officer Onsola Space Observatory, Sweden |
robert.cumming[at] |
Rolf Danner | Capture Lead, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology | rolf.danner[at] |
Alex Deibel | Graduate Student, Michigan State University |
deibelal[at] |
Tyler D. Desjardins | PhD Student, University of Western Ontario | |
Darsa Donelan | PhD Student, University of Florida |
donelan[at] |
JJ Eldridge | Senior Lecturer, University of Auckland |
j.eldridge[at] |
Scott Gaudi | Associate Professor, Ohio State University | |
Margherita Giustini | ESA Research Fellow, ESAC (Madrid) |
mgiustini[at] |
Paul Groot | Professor of Astrophysics Radboud University, Nijmegen, The Netherlands |
p.groot[at] |
Uta Grothkopf | Librarian, European Southern Observatory | esolib[at] |
Lisa Harvey-Smith | CSIRO SKA Project Scientist, CSIRO Astronomy and Space Science | lisa.harvey-smith[at] |
Kirstin Hay | PhD Student, University of St. Andrews | kh97[at] |
Todd Henry | Professor, Georgia State University | thenry[at] |
Diego Herranz | Associate Professor, Instituto de Fisica de Cantabria (IFCA), Santander, Spain | |
Lauren Hetherington | PhD Student, University of Toronto | hetherington[at] |
Renée Hlozek | Lyman Spitzer Jr. Fellow Princeton University | renee.hlozek[at] |
M. E. Hogan | Graduate Student, FAU Spacetime Physics Group, Florida Atlantic University | mhogan14[at] |
Robert Hurt | Visualization Scientist, Spitzer Science Center/Caltech | hurt[at] |
Eva Isaksson | Librarian, Observatory, Univ. Helsinki | eisaksso[at] |
Traci Johnson | Graduate Student, University of Michigan | tljohn[at] |
S. N. Johnson-Roehr | Observing Editor, Sky & Telescope | snjr[at] |
Inger Jorgensen | Deputy Associate Director of Operations, Tenured Astronomer, Gemini Observatory | inger[at] |
Noé Kains | Postdoctoral Fellow, Space Telescope Science Institute | nkains[at] |
Lancelot Kao | Professor, Dept. of Astronomy, City College of San Francisco | lkao[at] |
Laura Kay | Professor, Dept. of Physics & Astronomy, Chair, Dept. of Women's Studies, Barnard College | lkay[at] |
Amy Kimball | Assistant Scientist, NRAO/Socorro | akimball[at] |
Richard 'Doc' Kinne | Astronomical Technologist, American Assoc. of Variable Star Observers | rkinne[at] |
David Koerner | Associate Professor, Northern Arizona University | David.Koerner[at] |
Jeff Kommers | Technical Staff MIT Lincoln Laboratory |
kommers[at] |
Molly Kosiarek | PhD Student UC Santa Cruz |
mkosiare[at] |
Kristen Larson | Associate Professor, Western Washington University | kristen.larson[at] |
Marie Wingyee Lau | PhD candidate UC Santa Cruz | lwymarie[at] |
Ralf Launhardt | Astronomer, Max Planck Institute for
Astronomy, Heidelberg, Germany | rl[at] |
Stephen Lawrence | Assoc. Professor, Hofstra University | Stephen.Lawrence[at] |
Jeramy Lewis | PhD Candidate, University of Maine, Physics and Astronomy Department | jeramy.lewis[at] |
Wladimir Lyra | NASA Carl Sagan Fellow, JPL/Caltech | wlyra[at] |
Katie Mack | DECRA Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Melbourne | mack.katie[at] |
Andrew Mann | Hubble Fellow, University of Texas at Austin | amann[at] |
Franck Marchis | Assistant Researcher, UC Berkeley Principle Investigator, SETI Institute | |
Jeremy Maune | PhD Student, Georgia State University | maune[at] |
Robyn McCutcheon | Central Asia Regional Environment, Science, Technology and Health Officer, U.S. Embassy Astana, Kazakhstan | mccutcheonra[at] |
Stefano Meschiari | McDonald Fellow, University of Texas, Austin | stefano[at] |
Jessica Mink | Software Developer, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory | |
Mark Mirmelstein | PhD Astronomy Student, University of Sussex | M.Mirmelstein[at] |
Niruj R. Mohan | NCRA-TIFR, India | mohan[at] |
Jorge Moreno | Assistant Professor, Physics & Astronomy, Cal Poly Pomona | jorgemoreno[at] |
Michaela C. Muksch | Astrophysicist, Consultant, Geodesy/Geophysics, Civil/Environmental Engineering, France | mcm.geomatics[at] |
Tommy Nelson | Research Associate, University of Minnesota | tnelson[at] |
Jan-Uwe Ness | European Space Agency, Madrid | juness[at] |
Sally Oey | Professor, University of Michigan | |
Merav Opher | Assistant Professor, Boston University | mopher[at] |
Rebecca Oppenheimer | Curator, Professor, Chair, Dept. of Astrophysics, American Museum of Natural History | |
René Alberto Ortega-Minakata | Postdoctoral Fellow, Instituto de Astronomia, UNAM, Mexico City | ralberto[at] |
Glen Parish | PhD Student, University of Hertfordshire, UK | glenparish1[at] |
Molly Peeples | AURA Assistant Astronomer, Space Telescope Science Institute | molly[at] |
Olivier Planchon | Climate Researcher & Amateur Astronomer,
CNRS/LETG-Rennes (COSTEL) Laboratory, Rennes-2 University, France Astronomical Society of Rennes (SAR) | olivier.planchon[at] |
Chanda Prescod-Weinstein | PhD Student, Univ. of Waterloo, Ontario | chandadeepti[at] |
Andrea Reichstein | PhD Student, University College Cork, Ireland |
a.reichstein[at] |
Michael Reid | Assistant Professor, University of Toronto |
mreid[at] |
Jane Rigby | Astrophysicist and Civil Servant, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center | jrr166[at] |
Mark L A Richardson | Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Oxford | Mark.Richardson.Work[at] |
Caroline A. Roberts | Astronomy Ph.D. Candidate, Georgia State University | roberts[at] |
Robert Rutledge | Professor, McGill University, Montreal | rutledge[at] |
Vachail Nicolas Salinas | PhD Candidate, Leiden Observatory | |
Charles Schambeau | Doctoral student, University of Central Florida | cas0010[at] |
Joel C. Schwartz | PhD Candidate, Physics & Astronomy, Northwestern University | joelschwartz2011[at] |
Antígona Segura Peralta | Senior Researcher, Instituto de Ciencias Nucleares, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico | |
Kristen Sellgren | Professor, Ohio State | sellgren[at] |
Tomer Shenar | PhD student, University of Potsdam, Germany | shtomer[at] |
Douglas W. Shields | PhD Candidate, Physics, University of Arkansas | dshields[at] |
Krista Lynne Smith | Graduate Student, University of Maryland | klsmith[at] |
Henrik Spoon | Research Associate, Cornell University | spoon[at] |
Sean Stotyn | Instructor, Physics & Astronomy, University of Calgary | sean.stotyn[at] |
Theresa J. Summer | Graduate Student, UC Irvine | tsummer[at] |
Bryan Terrazas | Graduate Student, University of Michigan | bterraza[at] |
Adam S. Trotter | Graduate Student, UNC-Chapel Hill | atrotter[at] |
Karimova Ulkar | Master's Student, Chungnam National University, South Korea | garamanka[at] |
Lupu Victor | Independent Astronomer | |
MacKenzie Warren | Graduate Student, University of Notre Dame | mwarren3[at] |
Ben Wibking | Graduate Student, Dept. of Astronomy, The Ohio State University | wibking.1[at] |
Dan Wilkins | Einstein Fellow, Stanford University | dan.wilkins[at] |
David Williams | Instrument Operations Scientist, European Space Agency/ESAC | david.williams[at] |
Michael H. Wong | Assistant Researcher, University of California | LGBTIQ Physicists and Astrophysicists facebook page |
Patrick Woudt | Professor and Head of Department: Astronomy, University of Cape Town | Patrick.Woudt[at] |
Ryan Wyatt | Morrison Planetarium and Science Visualization, California Academy of Sciences, San Franscisco | ryan[at] |
Ted Wyder | Staff Scientist, Caltech |
wyder[at] |
Anthony J. Zarzycki | Researcher and Student, Pennsylvania State University |
ajz5151[at] |
E. J. Zita | Professor, Evergreen State College, Olympia, WA | zita[at] |
________________ | This space left blank for those who feel they cannot yet come out due to societal fear and ignorance |
Name | Position/Affiliation | Web Page and/or Email |
Marcel Agueros | Graduate Student, University of Washington |
agueros[at] |
Robert (Ski) Antonucci | Professor, University of California at Santa Barbara |
ski[at] |
Carles Badenes | Chandra Postdoctoral Fellow, Rutgers University | badenes[at] |
Kaushi Bandara | Graduate Student, University of Victoria/Herzberg Institute of Astrophysics |
kbandara[at] |
Sara D. Barber | Graduate Student, University of Oklahoma | Sara.D.Barber-1[at] |
Pauline Barmby | Assistant Professor, Dept. of Physics & Astronomy, Western University |
pbarmby[at] |
Amanda E. Bauer | Super Science Fellow, Australian Astronomical Observatory |
amanda.bauer[at] |
Peter Behroozi | Assistant Professor, University of Arizona | pbehroozi[at] |
Will Best | PhD Student, Institute for Astronomy, University of Hawaii | wbest[at] |
Alexander Binks | Postdoctoral Research Associate, Instituto Radioastronomia y Astrofisica, San José de la Huerta, Morelia, Michoacán, Mexico |
alex.s.binks[at] |
Kirsten Bonson | Graduate Student, St. Mary's University, Halifax, NS |
kbonson[at] |
Gina Brissenden | Associate Director, Center for Astronomy Education |
glbrisse[at] |
Michael J. I. Brown | Associate Professor, Monash University | Michael.Brown[at] |
Blake Bullock | Strategy and Business Development, Northrop Grumman Aerospace Systems |
blake.bullock[at] |
Alyson Brooks | Assistant Professor of Astronomy, Rutgers University |
--- |
Adam Burgasser | Assistant Professor, Hellman Fellow, UC San Diego | |
Davide Burlon | Research Associate, University of Sydney | |
Phillip Cargile | Graduate Student, Vanderbilt University |
p.cargile[at] |
Sean Carroll | Burke Institute for Theoretical Physics California Institute of Technology | |
Bradley Caskey | Dean, College of Arts and Sciences University of Wisconsin-River Falls |
bradley.j.caskey[at] |
Laura Chomiuk | Assistant Professor, Michigan State University | chomiuk[at] |
Alex Codoreanu | PhD Student, Swinburne Center for Astrophysics and Supercomputing | acodoreanu[at] |
Lynn Cominsky | Professor and Chair, Department of Physics & Astronomy Director, NASA Education and Public Outreach Sonoma State University | lynnc[at] |
Kevin R. Covey | Assistan Professor, Western Washington University |
kevin.covey[at] |
Darren Croton | Associate Professor & QEII Research Fellow, Swinburne University of Technology | |
Tamara Davis | Associate Professor, University of Queensland | tamarad[at] |
John H. Debes | ESA/AURA Astronomer, COS-STIS Team, Space Telescope Science Institute |
debes[at] |
Sally Dodson-Robinson | Assistant Professor University of Texas |
sdr[at] |
Alan Duffy | Research Fellow Swinburne University |
aduffy[at] |
Jamie Farnes | Research Associate University of Sydney |
jamie.farnes[at] |
Stephen Feeney | Postdoctoral Fellow Imperial College London | |
Lee Samuel Finn | Professor, Depts. of Physics;
Astronomy & Astrophysics The Pennsylvania State University |
lsfinn[at] |
Derek Fox | Assistant Professor, Penn State University |
dfox[at] |
Roger Freedman | Lecturer and Textbook Author Dept. of Physics, UC Santa Barbara |
airboy[at] |
Bryan Gaensler | Professor of Physics University of Sydney |
bgaensler[at] |
David Garofalo | Jet Propulsion Laboratory | David.A.Garofalo[at] |
Paul Goudfrooij | Scientist, Space Telescope Science Institute | goudfroo[at] |
Paul J. Green | Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Havard-Smithsonian CfA |
--- |
Christopher Greer | Postdoc, Steward Observatory | |
Kayhan Gultekin | Asst. Research Scientist, U. Michigan, Dept. of Astronomy | |
Daryl Haggard | Northwestern University/CIERA | dhaggard[at] |
Christopher Hales | Jansky Fellow, NRAO | chales[at] |
William Hathaway | Member Technical Staff, Computer Sciences Corporation |
hathaway[at] |
Craig Heinke | Assistant Professor, University of Alberta (Edmonton) |
cheinke[at] |
John Hibbard | Associate Scientist, NRAO/Charlottesville | jhibbard[at] |
Alex Hill | Postdoctoral Fellow, CSIRO Astronomy & Space Science |
ashill[at] |
Robert Hollow | Education and Outreach Officer, CSIRO Astronomy & Space Science | |
Callie Hood | Astronomy Graduate Student, UC Santa Cruz |
cehood[at] |
Jonathan Horner | Vice Chancellor's Senior Research Fellow, University of Southern Queensland | Jonathan.Horner[at] |
Meredith Hughes | Assistant Professor of Astronomy, Wesleyan University |
amhughes[at] |
Mark Jackson | Founder and President, Fiat Physica | mark[at] |
David James | TripleSpec Project Scientist, Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory, Chile |
djj[at] |
Matt Jarvis | University of Oxford/University of the Western Cape | matt.jarvis[at] |
Eric Jensen | Assistant Professor, Swarthmore College | ejensen1[at] |
Jane Kaczmarek | PhD Student, University of Sydney |
jane.kaczmarek[at] |
Sheila Kannappan | Associate Professor of Physics and Astronomy University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill | sheila[at] |
Chuck Keeton | Associate Professor, Department of Physics & Astronomy, Rutgers University |
keeton[at] |
Eliza Kempton | Assistant Professor of Physics, Grinnell College |
kemptone[at] |
Patricia Knezek | Assistant Scientist/Project Manager, NOAO/WIYN Observatory |
knezek[at] |
John Lattanzio | Monash Centre for Astrophysics, Monash University |
john.lattanzio[at] |
William B. Latter | Associate Director for Mission Operations, Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy, NASA Armstrong Flight Research Center | wlatter[at] |
Claus Leitherer | Astronomer, Space Telescope Science Institute | leitherer[at] |
Sebastien Lepine | Associate Professor, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Georgia State University | slepine[at] |
Aaron D. Lewis | Postdoctoral Researcher, University of California, Irvine | lewisa[at] |
Michael Lloyd-Hart | Associate Astronomer, Steward Observatory | mhart[at] |
Dave Lommen | Graduate Student, Leiden Observatory | dave[at] |
Laura Lopez | Hubble Postdoctoral Fellow, Harvard University | llopez[at] |
Mercedes Lopez-Morales | Hubble Fellow, Carnegie Institution of Washington |
mercedes[at] |
Marilena Loverde | Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Chicago |
marilena[at] |
Mordecai-Mark Mac Low | Curator, Department of Astrophysics American Museum of Natural History | mordecai[at] |
Emily MacPherson | SMARTS Manager, Research Scientist Yale University | |
Bruce Margon | Vice Chancellor for Research University of California, Santa Cruz |
margon[at] |
Naomi McClure-Griffiths | Professor, Australian National University | naomi.mcclure-griffiths[at] |
Nicholas McConnell | Postdoctoral Fellow, IfA Manoa |
nmcc[at] |
Jonathan McDowell | Astrophysicist, Chandra X-Ray Center | jcm[at] |
Robert McNees | Assistant Professor of Physics, Loyola University of Chicago | |
Jose Mena-Werth | Professor, Univ. of Nebraska, Kearney | werthj[at] |
Matthew Middleton | Institute of Astronomy, Madingley Road, Cambridge | mjm[at] |
Jon Miller | Assistant Professor, Univ. of Michigan | jonmm[at] |
Daniel Mortlock | Lecturer, Imperial College London | mortlock[at] |
Joseph Muñoz | Postdoctoral Fellow, Dept. of Physics, University of California, Santa Barbara | jamunoz[at] |
Michael Murphy | Professor, Centre for Astrophysics and Supercomputing, Swinburne University of Technology | mmurphy[at] |
Gautham Narayan | Postdoc, NOAO and the University of Arizona | gnarayan[at] |
Celine d'Orgeville | Instrument Scientist, Australian National University | celine.dorgeville[at] |
Michael Packer | Board of Directors, San Jose Astronomical Association | |
Anna Pancoast | Graduate Student, University of California at Santa Barbara | pancoast[at] |
David Parkinson | Australian Research Council Future Fellow, University of Queensland | d.parkinson[at] |
Don Pollacco | Professor of Astrophysics, Queens University, Belfast | d.pollacco[at] |
Klaus Pontoppidan | Assistant Astronomer, Space Telescope Science Institute | pontoppi[at] |
Dave Pooley | Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Wisconsin, Madison | dave[at] |
Lee Powell | Assistant Professor and Planetarium Director, Dept. of Physics and Physical Science, University of Nebraska at Kearney |
powellwl[at] |
Marc Rafal | Project Manager, McDonald Observatory University of Texas at Austin |
mrafal[at] |
Cara Rakowski | Graduate Student, Rutgers | rakowski[at] |
Emily Rauscher | Assistant Professor, Dept. of Astronomy, University of Michigan | |
Paola Rodriguez Hidalgo | Assistant Professor, University of Toronto | prh[at] |
Barbara Rojas-Ayala | Graduate Student Cornell University | babs[at] |
Justin Rogers | Graduate Student, Johns Hopkins University | rogers[at] |
Lawrence Rudnick | Professor, Univ. Minnesota | larry[at] |
Alexander Rudolph | Professor of Physics & Astronomy; Director, CAMPARE/CHAMP and Cal-Bridge, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona | alrudolph[at] |
Philip Sadler | Senior Lecturer and Director of Science Education, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics | psadler[at] |
Greg Salvesen | NSF Postdoctoral Fellow, University of California, Santa Barbara | |
Lyndele von Schill | Director, Office of Diversity & Inclusion National Radio Astronomy Observatory | |
Andria C. Schwortz | Associate Professor, Quinsigamond Community College, Worcester, MA Graduate Student, University of Wyoming | |
Prajval Shastri | Associate Professor, Indian Institute of Astrophysics, Bangalore | prajval.shastri[at] |
Jennifer Siegal-Gaskins | Einstein Postdoctoral Fellow, California Institute of Technology | jsg[at] |
Steinn Sigurdsson | Faculty, Penn State | |
Brooke Simmons | Postdoc, University of Oxford | |
Jeffrey Simpson | Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Macquarie University | jeffrey.simpson[at] |
Patrick Slane | Senior Astrophysicist, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics | slane[at] |
Rachel Somerville | Full Professor, Department of Physics & Astronomy, Rutgers University | somerville[at] |
Angela Speck | Professor of Astrophysics and Director of Astronomy, University of Missouri | speckan[at] |
Glenn Spiczak | Professor of Physics, University of Wisconsin-River Falls | glenn.spiczak[at] |
Dave Spiegel | Postdoctoral Member, Institute for Advanced Study | dave[at] |
Lee Spitler | Lecturer, Macquarie University and the Australian Astronomical Observatory | |
Keivan Stassun | Hubble Fellow, Univ. Wisconsin - Madison | keivan[at] |
James Steiner | Hubble Fellow, Center for Astrophysics, Harvard University | jsteiner[at] |
Michael Strauss | Professor of Astrophysics, Princeton University | strauss[at] |
Nicholas Suntzeff | Professor of Astronomy, Texas A&M University | nsuntzeff[at] |
Don Terndrup | Associate Professor, Ohio State | terndrup[at] |
Johanna Teske | Carnegie Origins Postdoctoral Fellow, DTM, Carnegie Institute of Washington | jteske[at] |
Todd Thompson | Professor, Ohio State University | thompson[at] |
Scott Tremaine | Professor, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton | tremaine[at] |
Cathryn Trott | ARC DECRA Fellow, ARC Centre of Excellence for All-Sky Astrophysics, Curtin University | cathryn.trott[at] |
Sarah Tuttle | Postdoc, McDonald Observatory, UT Austin | tuttle[at] |
Miguel de Val-Borro | Postdoctoral Fellow, Princeton University | |
Kebra A. Ward | GAANN Fellow, Lehigh University | kaw310[at] |
Laura Watkins | Postdoc, Space Telescope Science Institute | lwatkins[at] |
Joel Weisberg | Stark Professor of Physics and Astronomy and the Natural Sciences, Carleton College | jweisber[at] |
Coral Wheeler | Graduate Student, University of California at Irvine | crwheele[at] |
Kristin Woodley | Graduate Student, McMaster University | woodleka[at] |
Jason Wright | Assistant Professor of Astronomy, The Pennsylvania State University | jtwright[at] |
Erik Zackrisson | Associate Professor, Department of Astronomy, Stockholm University | ez[at] |
Feel free to contact anyone on this list. However, please be aware of the fact that most of us have busy schedules, so we cannot always respond to email immediately.
To add yourself to this list, or to modify your entry on this list, please send email to blaes[at]
The LGBTIQ astronomy community maintains an email distribution list. If you are interested in this list, please click here.
The American Astronomical Society has officially established a working group on LGBTIQ equality (WGLE). Click here for more information.
DISCLAIMER: UCSB does not assume responsibility for the accuracy of, and will not be held liable for the consequences from, the use of this information.
This file was last updated February 12, 2018