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'Name: dbfcat.main
'Date: 2-23-01

'1. prompts the user for multiple dbf files on disk
'2. prompts the user for concatenation style:
'   (1) simple record-by-record append, filename of each dbf added to
'       every record to ensure record uniqueness
'   (2) transpose and append, the first .DBF file is used to create
'       new .DBF where the records in a user specified field become
'       fieldnames and the values in a second user specifed field become
'       the records under the new fieldnames
'3. prompts the user for filename of new dbf file
'Called By:

MsgBox.Report("dbfcat.main" + NL +
              "1. prompts the user for multiple dbf files on disk" + NL +
              "2. prompts the user for concatenation style:" + NL +
              "   (1) simple record-by-record append, filename of each dbf added" + NL +
              "       to every record to ensure record uniqueness" + NL +
              "   (2) transpose and append, the first .DBF file is used to create" + NL +
              "       new .DBF where the records in a user specified field" + NL +
              "       become fieldnames and the values in a second user " + NL +
              "       specifed field become the records under the" + NL +
              "       new fieldnames" + NL +
              "3. prompts the user for filename of new dbf file" , "About Script....")

'retrieve FileNames of .DBF files to process
theFileNameList = FileDialog.ReturnFiles({"*.dbf"}, {"DBF Files(*.dbf)"}, "Select.DBF Files To Concatenate", 0)
if ( theFileNameList.Count = 0 ) then
  return NIL

'make list of vtabs from filenames
theVtabList = List.Make
for each fname in theFileNameList
  if ( File.Exists(fname) and fname.IsFile ) then
    if ( Vtab.CanMake(fname) = true ) then
      theVtabList.Add(Vtab.Make(fname, FALSE, FALSE))
if ( theVtabList.Count = 0 ) then
  MsgBox.Error("Unable to create vtabs from user supplied list.", "Operation Failed")
  return NIL

' set concatenation style
theRBRAppendString = "Simple Record-By-Record Append"
theRTAppendString = "Record Transpose and Append"
theCatStyleStringList = { theRBRAppendString, theRTAppendString}
theCatStyleString = MsgBox.ChoiceAsString(theCatStyleStringList, "Select the concatenation style:", "Cat Style")
if ( theCatStyleString = NIL ) then
  return NIL

'retrieve name of new .DBF file
theDBFFileNameString = MsgBox.Input("Enter the name to assign to the new .DBF file:", "Cat-ed .DBF FileName", "cat")
if ( theDBFFileNameString = NIL ) then
  return NIL
theDBFString = theDBFFileNameString.Substitute(".dbf", "")

' cat the dbfs
if ( theCatStyleString = theRBRAppendString ) then
  av.Run("dbfcat.RBRAppend", {theVtabList, theDBFString})
elseif ( theCatStyleString = theRTAppendString ) then
  av.Run("dbfCat.RTAppend", {theVtabList, theDBFString})
  'do nothing

return NIL

Last Updated: Marco Morais