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'Name: grid2shp.bat
'Date: 1-25-01
'Author: Marco Morais
' prompts the user for grids on disk
' prompts the user if feature type of
' exported grids should be poly or polyline
' exports each grid to shapefile
' of same name in same directory
'Called By:

MsgBox.Report("grid2shp.bat" + NL +
              "1. prompts the user for grids on disk" + NL +
              "2. prompts the user if feature type of" + NL +
              "   exported grids should be poly or polyline" + NL +
              "3. exports each grid to shapefile of same" + NL +
              "   name in same directory", "About Script....")

'retrieve list of grids to export
theExportGridsSrcNameList = SourceDialog.ShowClass("Select the Grid(s) to export as shapefiles", Grid)
if ( theExportGridsSrcNameList.Count = 0 )  then
  return NIL

'retrieve feature type to be exported
isPolygon = MsgBox.YesNo("Do you want to export the Grids to Polygon (YES) or PolyLine (NO) feature types?", "Polygon or PolyLine", TRUE)
if ( isPolygon = NIL ) then
  return NIL

'retrieve weeding enabled
isWeedingEnabled = MsgBox.YesNo("Do you want to enable weeding of features?", "Enable Weeding", TRUE)
if ( isWeedingEnabled = NIL ) then
  return NIL

'retrieve binary enabled (polyline only)
if ( isPolygon = FALSE ) then
  isBinaryEnabled = MsgBox.YesNo("Do you want to consider all values other than NO DATA as linear features?", "Enable Binary", TRUE)
  if ( isBinaryEnabled = NIL ) then
    return NIL

'make grids from srcnames and export 
theExportFTabList = List.Make
for each srcn in theExportGridsSrcNameList
  theGrid = Grid.Make(srcn)
  if ( theGrid.HasError ) then
    MsgBox.Error("Grid not able to be created", "Error")
    return NIL
  if ( isPolygon = TRUE ) then
    theFTab = av.Run("Grid.ConvertToPolygon", {theGrid, (srcn.GetFileName.GetName + ".shp"), isWeedingEnabled})
  elseif ( isPolygon = FALSE ) then
    theFTab = av.Run("Grid.ConvertToPolyLine", {theGrid, (srcn.GetFileName.GetName + ".shp"), isBinaryEnabled, isWeedingEnabled})
  if ( theFTab = NIL ) then
    MsgBox.Error("Unable to create shapefile for: " + srcn.GetFileName.AsString, "Error")


return NIL

Last Updated: Marco Morais