HFire-1.0.0 Configuration File Documentation

Please consult the example configuration file for questions relating to the formatting of keywords and tokens. To start a simulation, invoke the HFire executable followed by the filename of the configuration file. For example, if HFire.exe is the name of the compiled executable on your machine and you have created a configuration file named demo.cfg, then to start the simulation type:
HFire.exe demo.cfg

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DEAD_FUEL_MOIST_TYPE keyword value must be one of {RANDOM_HISTORICAL, FIXED, SPATIAL} (caps).
EXPORT keywords specify (a) which simulation products are written to disk (b) where on disk they are written and (c) how often during the simulation they are written (eg timestep, daily, or on an annual basis).
FIRE EXTINCTION SECTION keywords provide the user with control over how actively spreading fires extinguish during the course of the simulation.
FUELS_PROPS keywords specify the static physical and chemical attribute information to supply for each fuel model, including variables such as: fuel load, surface area to volume ratio (SAV), and heat content.
FUELS_REGROWTH_TYPE keyword value must be one of {FIXED, PNV, STATIC} (caps).
IGNITION_TYPE keyword value must be one of {RANDOM_UNIFORM, FIXED, RANDOM_SPATIAL} (caps).
LIVE_FUEL_MOIST_TYPE keyword value must be one of {RANDOM_HISTORICAL, FIXED, SPATIAL} (caps).
RASTER SPATIAL DATA keywords specify pathnames and data formatting information used to load raster spatial data from disk.
If the value of SANTA_ANA_FREQUENCY_PER_YEAR is greater than 0.0, then pathnames to files containing wind azimuth values SANTA_ANA_WIND_AZIMUTH_FILE, wind speed values SANTA_ANA_WIND_SPEED_FILE, and dead 10 hour timelag fuel moisture SANTA_ANA_DEAD_FUEL_MOIST_FILE must also be supplied.
STAND_AGE_TYPE keyword value must be one of {FIXED, SPATIAL} (caps).
SIMULATION keywords specify the high level control aspects of the simulation.


DEAD_FUEL_MOIST_TYPE keyword value must be one of {RANDOM_HISTORICAL, FIXED, SPATIAL} (caps).
All dead fuel moisture measurements contained in the files below are assumed to be relative to dry weight for fuel particle stem diameters ranging from 0.635 to 2.54 cm. This corresponds to the NFDRS (National Fire Danger Rating System) 10 hour timelag class of fuels. One hour of timelag refers to the amount of time required for a fuel component to loose or gain 63% of the difference between the current fuel's moisture content and the ambient atmospheric conditions. More simply, smaller diameter timelag fuels respond more quickly to ambient conditions (either drying or wetting) than do larger diameter timelag fuels. The user only needs to supply dead 10 hour fuel moisture, values of dead fuel moisture in other fuel particle diameter size classes are inferred from this estimate.
If value is RANDOM_HISTORICAL then additional keyword values must be specified for: (1) DEAD_FUEL_MOIST_HISTORICAL_FILE is the pathname (relative to executable or absolute in filesystem) to a .10H file containing hourly historical dead 10 hour fuel moisture. At the start of each day a uniform random number is drawn. The random number is used to index a random record in the .10H file. The dead 10 hour fuel moistures recorded in the historical file for each hour during an ENTIRE day are the dead 10 hour fuel moistures used by the simulation during each hour in the simulation. If the dead 10 hour fuel moisture selected from the .10H file has a value of NO DATA, then the most recently used non-NO DATA dead fuel moisture is used. As a result, records containing many consecutive values of NO DATA should be screened from the .10H file prior to use. At the start of a new day in the simulation, a new random record number is drawn and the fuel moistures for that day used.
If value is FIXED then then additional keyword values must be specified for: (1) DEAD_FUEL_MOIST_FIXED_FILE is the pathname (relative to executable or absolute in filesystem) to a .10H file containing dead 10 hour fuel moisture for every hour of every day of the simulation. At the start of each hour, the record in the .10H file containing the dead fuel moisture to use for this day and hour in the simulation is retrieved. Unlike RANDOM_HISTORICAL, the .10H file specified using this option must not contain values of fuel moisture equal to NO DATA. The dead 10 hour fuel moisture is held constant for one hour of simulation before a new value is retrieved from the .10H file.
If value is SPATIAL then additional keyword values must be specified for: (1) DEAD_FUEL_MOIST_SPATIAL_FILE is the pathname (relative to executable or absolute in filesystem) to a .10H file containing keyword values for spatial dead fuel moisture raster on disk (format same as other RASTER) to load during each hour in the simulation. Using this option each cell in the simulation domain is assigned a (potentially) unique dead fuel moisture during each hour in the simulation.


EXPORT keywords specify (a) which simulation products are written to disk (b) where on disk they are written and (c) how often during the simulation they are written (eg timestep, daily, or on an annual basis)
EXPORT_FREQUENCY keyword must be one of {TIMESTEP, DAILY, ANNUAL}. A frequency of TIMESTEP results in output at the end of every period of time equal to a duration of SIMULATION_TIMESTEP_SECS. A frequency of DAILY results in output at the end of every day during the simulation. The value specified for SIMULATION_TIMESTEP_SECS must be a whole number multiple of the number of seconds in a day for this option to work properly. A frequency of ANNUAL results in output at the end of every year during the simulation. The simulation ensures that products during a single simulation (potentially multiple years) are written with unique filenames, however multiple simulations can overwrite output products. Unfortunately, the EXPORT_FREQUENCY option applies to all forms of output specified with the EXPORT option during the simulation. For example, fire ids cannot be output on a daily basis while only outputting fuels on a annual basis.
EXPORT_FIRE_ID_RASTER_DIR is the pathname (relative to executable or absolute in filesystem) to a directory where fire spread perimeters at a point in time are written. If this keyword is NULL then no fire id raster data will be written to disk.
EXPORT_FUELS_RASTER_DIR is the pathname (relative to executable or absolute in filesystem) to a directory where the fuels used during the year in the simulation are written. If this keyword is NULL then no fuels raster data will be written to disk.
EXPORT_STAND_AGE_RASTER_DIR is the pathname (relative to executable or absolute in filesystem) to a directory where the age of each of the cells prior to the start of the fire season is written. If this keyword is NULL then no stand age raster data will be written to disk.
EXPORT_FIRE_AREA_FILE a textfile correlating fire id numbers for a given year to the area of the indexed fire. If this keyword is NULL then no fire area information will be written to disk.
EXPORT_FIRE_PERIMETER_FILE a textfile correlating fire id numbers for a given year to the perimeter of the indexed fire. If this keyword is NULL then no fire perimeter information will be written to disk.
EXPORT_IGNITION_LOCS_FILE a textfile listing ignition location coordinates and timestamp for all ignitions occuring during the simulation. If this keyword is NULL then no ignition information will be written to disk.
EXPORT_SANTA_ANA_EVT_FILE a textfile listing Santa Ana event and duration occurence information to disk. Only Santa Ana events occuring while an active fire is burning are reported in textfile. If this keyword is NULL then no Santa Ana occurence information will be written to disk.
EXPORT_FIRE_ID_PNG_DIRECTORY is the pathname (relative to executable or absolute in filesystem) to a directory where image files of fire spread perimeters at a point in time are written. The images produced represent the raster data of fire ids. The raw raster data can also be exported as specified by the EXPORT_FIRE_ID_RASTER_DIR keyword. The simulation does not require that the raw raster data be exported in order to produce output image files. If this keyword is NULL then no fire id images will be written to disk. EXPORT_FIRE_ID_PNG_ICM_FILE is the pathname (relative to executable or absolute in filesystem) to a file on disk which maps fire id numbers to the red, green, and blue color components that they will be displayed with in the output .PNG images (Index Color Map). EXPORT_FIRE_ID_PNG_IMG_WIDTH is the desired width of the output .PNG image in pixels. EXPORT_FIRE_ID_PNG_IMG_HGT is the desired height of the output .PNG image in pixels. EXPORT_FIRE_ID_PNG_TITLE_TXT is the title text to insert in the output .PNG image. If this keyword is NULL, then the simulation timestamp is used in lieu of a user specified title. EXPORT_FIRE_ID_PNG_TITLE_FNT is the font to display the title text. Acceptable keywords are {TINY, SMALL, MEDBOLD, LARGE, GIANT} (all caps). EXPORT_FIRE_ID_PNG_TITLE_POS is the position on the image to place the title text. Acceptable keywords are {UL, LL, LR, UR} (all caps).


FIRE EXTINCTION SECTION keywords provide the user with control over how actively spreading fires extinguish during the course of the simulation.
FIRE_EXTINCTION_TYPE keyword must be one of {CONSUME, REIGNITE} (caps). This keyword specifies the behavior of a cell after it has been extinguished. A value of CONSUME indicates that the cell is assumed consumed after being extinguished, and cannot have subsequent fires or portions of the same fire burn though until the next fire season. A value of REIGNITE indicates that although the cell is extinguished, subsequent fires or portions of the same fire can propagate through the cell.
FIRE_EXTINCTION_HOURS specifies the number of hours after which the fire in a burning cell is extinguished if the cell has not been completely consumed by the fire. In order for a cell to be extinguished during a simulation, the burning conditions must be suffciently unfavorable for a period of time equal to FIRE_EXTINCTION_HOURS such that the rate of spread of the fire is insufficient to burn the distance of the cell. FIRE_EXTINCTION_HOURS has acceptable values in the range 0 - 255, values outside this range are truncated. A value of 0 indicates that a fire will never be extinguished. If this keyword is NULL then a cell cannot extinguish due to this mechanism.
FIRE_EXTINCTION_ROS_MPS specifies a rate of spread, in meters per second, below which a cell is considered extinguished. If at any point in the simulation a burning cell registers a value less than the value of this keyword for the maximum rate of spread of fire out of that, cell, then the cell is considered extinguished. If this keyword is NULL then a cell cannot extinguish due to this mechanism.


FUELS_PROPS keywords specify the static physical and chemical attribute information to supply for each fuel model, including variables such as: fuel load, SAV, and heat content.
FUELS_PROPS_TYPE keyword value must be one of {ROTH, PHYS} (caps). If value is ROTH, then Rothermel-style fuel attributes are initialized for each of the fuel models specified in FUELS_PROPS_FM_NUMS_IMPORT. If value is PHYS, then fuel attributes for a physically-based FuelModel are initialized for each of the fuel models specified in FUELS_PROPS_FM_NUMS_IMPORT.
FUELS_PROPS_FMD_FILE is the pathname (relative to executable or absolute in filesystem) to a .FMD file containing a delimited list of properties to associate with each fuel model number. More details are available from comment lines in the .FMD file itself. Values inside the .FMD file can be specified with keyword METRIC or ENGLISH, however the simulation internallly stores all values in the following SI units:
  • distance:meters
  • time:seconds
  • mass:kilograms
  • energy:Joules
For empirical functions given only in ENGLISH units (the Rothermel fire spread equation for example), the way in which the simulation handles the conversions is transparent to the user.
FUEL_PROPS_FM_NUMS_IMPORT specifies a semicolon (;) delimited list of fuel model numbers that have property information to be imported from the FUELS_PROPS_FMD_FILE. Every fuel model number corresponding to burnable fuel must be listed in the import list.
FUELS_PROPS_FM_NUMS_UNBURNABLE specifies a semicolon (;) delimited list of fuel model numbers corresponding to unburnable fuels. Fuel model numbers already listed in FUEL_PROPS_FM_NUMS_IMPORT should not also be co-listed in FUELS_PROPS_FM_NUMS_UNBURNABLE. NODATA values for fuels raster data should be listed in FUELS_PROPS_FM_NUMS_UNBURNABLE list. ArcInfo/ArcView commonly use a value of -9999 for NO DATA in the GRID data model. When exporting ArcInfo fuel model GRIDS to ASCII raster, care should be taken to specify -9999 as a member of the FUELS_PROPS_FM_NUMS_UNBURNABLE list.


FUELS_REGROWTH_TYPE keyword value must be one of {FIXED, PNV, STATIC} (caps).
If value is FIXED then additional keyword values must be specified for: (1) FUELS_FIXED_MODEL_NUM is fuel model number assigned to every cell in simulation domain. The fixed fuel model number should be present in .FMD textfile and should be listed in FUELS_VALUES_FM_NUMS_IMPORT keyword list.
If value is PNV then additional keyword values must be specified for: (1) FUELS_PNV_RGR_FILE should be the pathname (relative to executable or absolute in filesystem) to .RGR textfile on disk. More details on .RGR format is available from comment lines in .RGR file. (2) FUELS_PNV keywords should specify spatial PNV raster on disk (format same as other RASTER). At the start of each year in the simulation each cell in the PNV raster is queried for its potential natural vegetation (pnv) class number. The pnv class is used along with the age of the cell at that year in the simulation to extract an appropriate fuel model number to assign to that cell during the year to be simulated (dynamic regrowth). This process is repeated at the start of each year in the simulation.
If value is STATIC then additional keyword values must be specified for: (1) FUELS_STATIC keywords should specify spatial fuel model raster on disk (format same as other RASTER). At the start of each year in the simulation each cell is initialized to a fuel model number taken from this raster irrespective of the age of the stand. In other words, each cell assumed to instantly reach full maturity at one year postfire (instantaneous regrowth).


IGNITION_TYPE keyword value must be one of {RANDOM_UNIFORM, FIXED, RANDOM_SPATIAL} (caps).
If value is RANDOM_UNIFORM then ignitions are located randomly throughout simulation domain using a uniform random number generator. Using this option every cell is equally likely to have an ignition occur. Additional keyword values must be specified for: (1) IGNITION_FREQUENCY_PER_YEAR (fraction) The likelihood of an ignition is assumed to be temporally constant (unrealistic in regions where lightning is the primary source for ignitions, but more realistic in regions where humans are the primary source of ignitions). Although the simulation requests that ignition frequency be specified in units of #/year this is internally translated into units of #/timestep to allow ignitions to occur at the start of any timestep during the simulation. Values of IGNITION_TYPE other than FIXED only permit a maximum of ONE ignition to occur at each timestep during the simulation.
If value is FIXED then additional keyword values must be specified for: (1) IGNITION_FIXED_IGS_FILE is the pathname (relative to executable or absolute in filesystem) to a .IGS file containing delimited pairs of x and y real-world coordinates (NOT raster cell row column indexes) that are used as fixed ignition locations applied immediately at the start of every year in the simulation. This option was intended for use in simulating single fire events rather than multi-year simulations. If value is FIXED then IGNITION_FREQUENCY_PER_YEAR is ignored.
If value is RANDOM_SPATIAL then the probablity of ignition at each cell must be specified on a cell-by-cell basis to enable nonuniform occurence of ignitions. Additional keyword values must be specified for: (1) IGNITION_RSP keywords should specify spatial ignition probablity raster on disk (format same as other RASTER). If an ignition occurs during this hour in the simulation, then a uniform random number generator is used to select a cell for ignition within the simulation domain. The probability assigned to the chosen cell is compared against a new uniform random number to determine if an igntion occurs at this cell. If the cell is not ignited, then the process is repeated until a cell that ignites is found. The IGNITION_RSP raster does not have be the same cellsize as other spatial data used in the simulation. (2) IGNITION_FREQUENCY_PER_DAY (fraction) [See discussion in RANDOM_UNIFORM for more detail]


LIVE_FUEL_MOIST_TYPE keyword value must be one of {RANDOM_HISTORICAL, FIXED, SPATIAL} (caps).
If value is RANDOM_HISTORICAL then additional keyword values must be specified for: (1) LIVE_FUEL_MOIST_HERB_FILE is the pathname (relative to executable or absolute in filesystem) to a .LFH file containing historical herbaceous live fuel moisture information. (2) LIVE_FUEL_MOIST_WOOD_FILE is the pathname (relative to executable or absolute in filesystem) to a .LFW file containing historical woody live fuel moisture information.
If value is FIXED then additional keyword values must be specified for: (1) LIVE_FUEL_MOIST_HERB_FILE is the pathname (relative to executable or absolute in filesystem) to a .LFH file containing historical herbaceous live fuel moisture information. (2) LIVE_FUEL_MOIST_WOOD_FILE is the pathname (relative to executable or absolute in filesystem) to a .LFW file containing historical woody live fuel moisture information.
If value is SPATIAL then additional keyword values must be specified for: (1) LIVE_FUEL_MOIST_SPATIAL_FILE is the pathname (relative to executable or absolute in filesystem) to a .LFH file containing keyword values for spatial live fuel moisture raster on disk (format same as other RASTER) to load during each hour in the simulation. Using this option each cell in the simulation domain is assigned a (potentially) unique live fuel moisture during each hour in the simulation.


RASTER SPATIAL DATA keywords specify pathnames and data formatting information used to load raster spatial data from disk. The ASCII and BINARY raster file formats accepted by the simulation are a versatile means of storing raster information that can be imported/exported from many data processing software packages, even non-GIS software (SPlus or MATLAB come to mind).
_RASTER_FORMAT keyword values must be one of {ASCII, BINARY} (caps). ASCII and BINARY raster formats are importable/exportable to/from ArcView. ASCII files contain header info embedded inside of main file (.asc). BINARY files contain separate human readable header files (.hdr) in addition to the machine readable main files(.flt).
If value is ASCII, _MAIN_FILE should be path to (.asc) file and _HEADER_FILE should be keyword NULL. If value is BINARY, _MAIN_FILE should be path to (.flt) file and _HEADER_FILE should be path to (.hdr). All pathnames can be relative to the executable or absolute in filesystem.
_TYPE keyword must be one of {DOUBLE, FLOAT, LONGINT, INT, BYTE} (caps). Values contained in the raster data should not exceed the bounds of the data types. Data loaded as DOUBLE requires more memory and has more precision than FLOAT. Data loaded as LONGINT requires more memory and has larger bounds than INT. Data loaded as BYTE is always guaranteed to be in the range 0-255. Generally, bounds associated with each data type are machine specific, consult limits.h. The value used for NODATA in the raster file must also not exceed data type bounds. ArcInfo and ArcView use default NO DATA values of -9999, do not let NO DATA overflow BYTE data type.
Additional Notes:
  • ELEV z units are assumed to be in meters.
  • SLOPE is rise/run expressed as a fraction (can be > 1).
  • ASPECT is expressed as 0-360 with -1 corresponding to perfectly level terrain.


If the value of SANTA_ANA_FREQUENCY_PER_YEAR is greater than 0.0, then pathnames to files containing wind azimuth values SANTA_ANA_WIND_AZIMUTH_FILE, wind speed values SANTA_ANA_WIND_SPEED_FILE, and dead 10 hour timelag fuel moisture SANTA_ANA_DEAD_FUEL_MOIST_FILE must also be supplied.
Each file should be in the same format as is described in the WIND SPEED SECTION, WIND AZIMUTH_SECTION, and DEAD FUEL MOISTURE SECTION.
The procedure employed to mimic Santa Ana conditions during the simulation is similar to that used for simulations incorporating wind speed, wind direction, and dead fuel moisture using the RANDOM_HISTORICAL option. At the start of each day in the simulation (always at midnight), a uniform random number generator is chosen to determine if a Santa Ana event begins during the current day. If a Santa Ana event does occur, then for a number of days specified as SANTA_ANA_NUM_DAYS_DURATION a Santa Ana event is said to be ongoing. At the start of each day designated as a Santa Ana, a uniform random number is chosen to index the same year/month/day record from all three files. The conditions experienced during the randomly chosen year/month/day are used during the given day in the simulation. For multi-day Santa Anas a new index is chosen at the start of the next day.


STAND_AGE_TYPE keyword value must be one of {FIXED, SPATIAL} (caps). During the course of the simulation the age of every cell in the domain is tracked and updated as fires burn on the landscape. This process is not configurable by the user. However, the initial stand age assigned to each cell is user configurable.
If value is FIXED then additional keyword values must be specified for: (1) STAND_AGE_FIXED_AGE is age to initialize every cell in simulation domain and... after the first simulation year cell age is tallied by the simulation.
If value is SPATIAL then additional keyword values must be specified for: (1) STAND_AGE is a raster of ages to initialize every cell in simulation domain and... after the first simulation year cell age is tallied by the simulation.


SIMULATION keywords specify the high level control aspects of the simulation.
SIMULATION_START_YEAR and SIMULATION_END_YEAR specified as absolute year, such as 2001.
SIMULATION_START_DAY and SIMULATION_END_DAY specified from 1 to days in month.
For single incident simulations specify the same year for START and END. For multiple year simulations specify START year != END year. During multiple year simulations the fire season starts and ends on the same month, day, and hour each year (specified using MONTH, DAY, HOUR keywords).
SIMULATION_TIMESTEP_SECS specifies the size of the timestep used by the simulation Although the simulation dynamically adjusts the length of time represented by an iteration in the simulation, the value of the SIMULATION_TIMESTEP_SECS keyword fixes the amount of time before new environmental conditions (such as windspeed and wind direction) are retrieved and applied during the simulation.
SIMULATION_RAND_NUM_SEED must be one of {TABLE, 'user supplied value'} This keyword allows the random number generator used by the stochastic components of the model to be seeded using a seed table (TABLE) or an integer number specified by the user. The table of seeds used by the simulation is indexed using a uniform random number generator initialized with the system clock. The seed extracted from the table is then used to re-seed the uniform random number generator in a sort of boot-strap approach. The seed table is taken from SeedTable.h in the CLHEP Library courtesy of CERN. Get the original source code at CLHEP. All sequences initialized from this seed table have periods of 10**9 numbers. In general, the four most important considerations when using this option are: (a) stochastic simulations utilizing identical seeds will produce identical pseudo-random sequences and hence output, this is a property of all deterministic (computer) random number generating functions; (b) never supply a seed <= 0; (c) all stochastic elements in the simulation are identified by the use of a keyword containing the word 'RANDOM', therefore the specification of a seed for simulations without stochasticity has no effect; (d) the technique used for generating random numbers from a a non-uniform distriubution, Gaussian for example, is to first generate a random number from a uniform distribution and then transform this selection to the appropriate probability distribution function using numerical integration.


If value is RANDOM_UNIFORM then a uniform random number generator is used to set the wind azimuth at each hour of simulation. Using this option each wind azimuth is equally likely to occur and azimuths used during previous hours in the simulation have no influence on the azimuth selected for the current hour (no temporal autocorrelation). The wind azimuth is held constant for one hour of simulation before a new random number is drawn.
If value is RANDOM_HISTORICAL then additional keyword values must be specified for: (1) WIND_AZIMUTH_HISTORICAL_FILE is the pathname (relative to executable or absolute in filesystem) to a .WAZ file containing hourly historical wind azimuths. At the start of each hour a uniform random number is drawn. The random number is used to index a random record in the .WAZ file. The wind azimuth recorded in the historical file for the current hour of the simulation is the wind azimuth used by the simulation. If the wind azimuth selected from the .WAZ has a value of NO DATA, then a new record-hour combination is selected. The wind azimuth is held constant for one hour of simulation before a new azimuth is drawn.
If value is FIXED then then additional keyword values must be specified for: (1) WIND_AZIMUTH_FIXED_FILE is the pathname (relative to executable or absolute in filesystem) to a .WAZ file containing wind azimuths for every hour of every day of simulation. At the start of each hour, the record in the .WAZ file containing the azimuth to use for this day and hour in the simulation is retrieved. Unlike RANDOM_HISTORICAL, the .WAZ file specified using this option must not contain values of azimuth equal to NO DATA. The wind azimuth is held constant for one hour of simulation before a new azimuth is retrieved from the .WAZ file.
If value is SPATIAL then additional keyword values must be specified for: (1) WIND_AZIMUTH_SPATIAL_FILE is the pathname (relative to executable or absolute in filesystem) to a .WAZ file containing keyword values for spatial wind azimuth raster on disk (format same as other RASTER) to load during each hour in the simulation. Using this option each cell in the simulation domain is assigned a (potentially) unique wind azimuth during each hour in the simulation.


All windspeeds mentioned below assume measurements recorded at 20 ft (6.09 meters) above the top of the fuel bed. Internally ALL methods correct the windspeed profile from this value to a value equal to a height of twice the fed bed depth. The windspeed reduction approximates a log function and follows the method described by Albini and Baughman, 1979.
If value is RANDOM_UNIFORM then a uniform random number generator is used to set the wind speed at each hour of simulation. Using this option each wind speed is equally likely to occur and speeds used during previous hours in the simulation have no influence on the speed selected for the current hour (no temporal autocorrelation). The range of wind speeds possible with this option is between 0 m/s and 10 m/s (prior to windspeed correction). The wind speed is held constant for one hour of simulation before a new random number is drawn.
If value is RANDOM_HISTORICAL then additional keyword values must be specified for: (1) WIND_SPEED_HISTORICAL_FILE is the pathname (relative to executable or absolute in filesystem) to a .WSP file containing hourly historical wind speeds. At the start of each hour a uniform random number is drawn. The random number is used to index a random record in the .WSP file. The wind speed recorded in the historical file for the current hour of the simulation is the wind speed used by the simulation. If the wind speed selected from the .WSP has a value of NO DATA, then a new record-hour combination is selected. The wind speed is held constant for one hour of simulation before a new speed is drawn.
If value is FIXED then then additional keyword values must be specified for: (1) WIND_SPEED_FIXED_FILE is the pathname (relative to executable or absolute in filesystem) to a .WSP file containing wind speeds for every hour of every day of simulation. At the start of each hour, the record in the .WSP file containing the speed to use for this day and hour in the simulation is retrieved. Unlike RANDOM_HISTORICAL, the .WSP file specified using this option must not contain values of azimuth equal to NO DATA. The wind speed is held constant for one hour of simulation before a new speed is retrieved from the .WSP file.
If value is SPATIAL then additional keyword values must be specified for: (1) WIND_SPEED_SPATIAL_FILE is the pathname (relative to executable or absolute in filesystem) to a .WSP file containing keyword values for spatial wind speed raster on disk (format same as other RASTER) to load during each hour in the simulation. Using this option each cell in the simulation domain is assigned a (potentially) unique wind speed during each hour in the simulation.

Last Updated: Marco Morais