I am a cosmologist, and have
worked on understanding the nature of dark matter, gravitational
lensing, the cosmic microwave background radiation, spectroscopy
of the rarefied matter in the intergalactic medium, and the nature
of quasars and galaxies at high-redshift. Three attributes
essentially characterize my research. First, I work at the
interface between observations and theory --- this typically involves
collecting and analyzing data, but I prefer to work on
theoretically demanding and well posed problems. Recently, a
common theme has been to search for rare objects which constitute
unique astrophysical laboratories, which requires mining
databases of hundreds of millions of celestial objects provided by
modern digital sky surveys. Finally, I conduct observations with
the world's largest telescopes and most powerful instruments.
Currently I am mostly focused on studying diffuse gas in the
intergalactic and circumgalactic medium using quasar absorption line techniques, and I lead the ENIGMA research group at
UCSB dedicated
to this purpose. Please visit our group webpage for more information about our research
and job opportunities.
Department of Physics
Broida Hall
University of California, Santa Barbara
Santa Barbara, CA 93106-9530
Email: joe@physics.ucsb.edu
Phone: (805)-893-3503
Copyright © 2017 | Joseph F. Hennawi