Everett A. Lipman
   Associate Professor
   Experimental Biological Physics
   Ph.D. UC Berkeley, 1998

Contact Information and Brief CV

Selected Publications

Tracking DNA Synthesis with Single-Molecule Strand Displacement
Charles E. Wickersham and Everett A. Lipman
Journal of Physical Chemistry B 122(49), 11546–11553 (2018)

Synthesis of Extended Nanoscale Optical Encoders
Charles E. Wickersham, Daniel H.S. Kerr, and Everett A. Lipman
Bioconjugate Chemistry 21, 2234–2238 (2010)

Tracking a Molecular Motor with a Nanoscale Optical Encoder
Charles E. Wickersham, Kevin J. Cash, Shawn H. Pfeil, Irina Bruck, Daniel L. Kaplan, Kevin W. Plaxco, and Everett A. Lipman
Nano Letters 10, 1022–1027 (2010)

Förster Transfer Outside the Weak-Excitation Limit
Brian A. Camley, Frank L. H. Brown, and Everett A. Lipman
J. Chem. Phys. 131(10), 104509 (2009)

A Microfluidic Mixing System for Single-Molecule Measurements
Shawn H. Pfeil, Charles E. Wickersham, Armin Hoffmann, and Everett A. Lipman
Review of Scientific Instruments 80, 055105 (2009)

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