Loading a new Schedule-of-Classes onto www.physics.ucsb.edu

Load schedule-of-classes one month before quarter starts and send the Head TA a message when it's done so they can add assignments.


Use screen scrapper to get data from STAR01

  • Open SecureCRT, Xwin32, login to Elvis and Complete. Scroll through classes.

    Clean data for processing

    Produce SQL input file, upload it to webserver

    Login to webserver, load SQL file into database

    Send the Head TA a message when the Schedule-of-Classes is ready.


    In order for a class to be listed in the Schedule-of-classes, it needs to be added to the database with course description information. Do this for all new classes.

    1. Go to the Web Alass, class_code: (e.g. PHYS115B) and select "Change classes and class codes".
    2. Go the the General Announcements section and verify that the missing course does not already exist in the pull down menu for "Modify Class".
    3. If the course is not listed there, then you will need to enter a class code where it says, "New Class, class_code: (e.g. PHYS115B)".  The value that you enter into that field must be the same value that is automatically generated by the star_data.awk script.
      • Examples for each department are:
        • PHYS 115B will be "PHYS115B"
        • PHYS CS 15A will be "PHYSCS15A"
        • ASTRO 1H will be "ASTRO1H"
        • NAT S 1A will be "NATSC1A"
      • For PHYS CS courses, if you choose dept "College of Creative Studies", then they will be listed as CCS and sort before all the Physics courses, if you choose dept "Physics College of Creative Studies" then they will be listed as PHYS CS and sort after all of the Physics courses.
    4. Click on "Change Record" to update the database.


    If you make a mistake and accidently do the command psql physics < F00.sql twice, then the database will have two instances of each course.  PCS can fix this by cleaning the physics database in postgres. See clean_physics_db_txt.

    Scenario: You know a class was copied from STAR (Phys21), but it does not show up on the Schedule-of-Classes web page.
    1) Check database:
    physics=# select * from classes where quarter='W' and xyear=2002 and class_code='PHYS21';
    2) Ask the Undergrad Assistant if this is a new class.
    3) In this case it was a new class, so I followed the instructions above and added the class code at: http://www.physics.ucsb.edu/Administration/classes_modify_choose.php3 where it says: New Class, class_code: (e.g. PHYS115B) under General Announcements.

    Scenario: A class was cancelled
    Remove it from the database: physics=# DELETE from classes where quarter='W' and xyear=2002 and class_code='PHYS 131';

    Find a class in the database:
    physics=# select * from classes where quarter='W' and xyear=2002 and class_code='PHYS21';

    Physics Database: psql physics
    List tables: \d
    List attributes for table: \d table
    The class_codes table has the course decriptions.
    The classes table has the times, location, instructor for the quarter.

    Notes from Elise:

    I have currently made them all CCS.  The number for the above examples would be 115, 15, 1 and 1.  The number_ext would be B, A, H, and A in the above examples respectively.  If you want to modify the course description after you have created them, you will need to reload the "Modify Classes" page in order for the "Modify Class" pull down menu to be updated.

    I have created the class_code and entered the dept, number and number_ext for all of the courses except PHYS CS 15A, 15B and 15C because there was a problem with the program when I tried to add those courses.  Chun, you will need to go back in and update the rest of the information.

    Lisa Preble webmaster@physics.ucsb.edu
    Last Modified: 05, Dec 2001