Physics Computing Services

FAQ - Email - Can not send mail from off-campus

Some Internet Service Providers (like Cox) have recently begun blocking access to SMTP port 25 for sending email. (Cox has provided more information about its SMTP port blocking policy here.) Users of such ISPs will receive errors when they try to send mail with an email client configured to use SMTP port 25 at

There are several options for Physics users who are having problems sending Physics email from off-campus networks:

  1. Configure your email client to use encrypted SMTP on port 587 or 465. General email client instructions are available here.
  2. Use your Internet Service Provider's SMTP server - more information is available by contacting your ISP directly. In the Santa Barbara market, the Cox Internet SMTP settings are:
      • SMTP (sending) server address:
      • port: 25
  3. Use Physics Webmail


Physics Computing Services,
Last updated October 27, 2005 by Jennifer L. Mehl