#!/bin/bash # # update_physrpi - Update Raspberry Pi configuration for physics class # # 19Sep18 Updated for course-independent configuration # 20Jun18 Updated for 129m18, multi-course configuration # 02Apr18 Updated for 129s18 # 15Jan18 Adapted from update_129m17 by Everett Lipman # cd $HOME if [ $? -ne 0 ] then echo >&2 echo "could not change to directory $HOME . Exiting." >&2 echo >&2 exit 1 fi TRM="physrpi" CONFDIR="config_$TRM" TARFILE="${CONFDIR}.tar.gz" URL="http://web.physics.ucsb.edu/~rpi/$TARFILE" RMFILES="config*${TRM}*.tar* ./Downloads/config*${TRM}*.tar*" SETUP="setup_physrpi" PROGNAME=`basename $0` USAGE="$PROGNAME" NARGS=`expr \`echo $USAGE | wc -w\` - 1` error_exit() { echo "" echo $1 echo "" echo "$PROGNAME exiting." echo "" exit 1 } errorcheck() { if [ $? -ne 0 ] then error_exit "Error $1" fi } if [ $# -ne $NARGS ] then error_exit "usage: $USAGE" fi ############################################################################### echo echo "Updating up your Raspberry Pi for physics class..." echo ############################################################################### # # clear old tar files # \rm -f $RMFILES errorcheck "clearing old tar files" wget $URL errorcheck "downloading configuration tar file" \rm -rf $CONFDIR tar zxf $TARFILE errorcheck "upacking configuration tar file $TARFILE" cd $CONFDIR errorcheck "changing to configuration directory $CONFDIR" ############################################################################### exec ./$SETUP