Undergraduate Diversity and Inclusion in Physics
Undergraduate Diversity and Inclusion in Physics (UDIP) is a club committed to creating a welcoming environment for everyone within the physics department at UCSB. We work with the department and coordinate with faculty, students, and other clubs to provide resources, hold workshops, and plan other fun events for the UCSB physics community.

Broida Welcome Week
Welcome to UCSB Physics! The Physics Department and UDIP will be hosting two events - the New Student Meeting and the Physics Welcome Tour (event details below)! Feel free to join us for both events to get to know your advisers, learn more about the department, and find out ways to get involved.
New Student Meeting
Broida Hall 1610 9.26.23 1:30 PM
Meet your advisers, student orgs, and learn what’s happening in the department
Register Here!
Physics Welcome Tour
Broida Hall Courtyard 9.30.23 3:00 PM
Lab tours, building activities, food and more
Register Here!
UDIP Spring 2023 General Meetings
Welcome to the 23-24 school year! UDIP's Fall general meetings will start on Week 1. We will be meeting Wednesdays, 6:30-8:00 PM in Broida 1610. Free pizza as usual!
Come join us to learn more about the department, help plan events and workshops, and contribute to a more inclusive physics community!
For more info and additional updates on what UDIP is currently working on, join the Physics Discord server.
UDIP Merch Updates
Hello there! We're writing to let the physics community know that the UDIP merch team is officially beginning operations for the 2023-2024 academic year.
At the moment, we're about to place our order for all the traditional UDIP merch items. With the arrival of this shipment, we'll be restocked on all T-shirts, pullovers, zip-up jackets, and hats.
During the B session we will be selling merch in the Broida lobby on Mondays from 1:30 PM to 3:00 PM, beginning on Monday, August 7th. We can only accept cash or Venmo. Any subsequent schedule changes will be announced primarily in the Physics Discord.
Finally, we have the option to order UCSB Physics branded facemasks and sweatpants. However, we currently don't have the required interest to meet the minimum number of items to complete the order. If you are interested in buying either of these items, please complete the attached survey before Friday, August 11th.