My name is Zi-Yue Wang.
I am a Ph.D. student at University of California, Santa Barbara.
I got my Bechelor of Science degree from University of Science and Technology of China.
Email: zi-yue [at]
I am interested in diverse aspects of quantum gravity, especially diffeomorphism invariant observables in general higher dimensions and toy models in lower dimensions.
You can find my papers on INSPIRE-HEP.
Closed universe and 2D gravity
Simple models of closed universes of two dimensional gravity is revisited. A stark contrast between perturbative and non-perturbative aspects of the theory is discussed. There are rich semi-classical physics, while non-perturbatively it is argued that there is a unique closed universe state in each theory.
Holographic quantum chaos
Using symmetry to organize the linearized equations of motion on the horizon of a planar black hole. Showed a phenomenon called pole skipping occurs for a very large class of theories with gravity, gauge fields, arbitrary interactions, fermions and higher spin fields.
Effective field theory and scattering amplitude
Generalization to the original positivity bound with a further usage of partial wave expansion and triple crossing symmetry. Derived two-sided bounds on any Wilson coefficient.