Astrophysics Theory Meeting


  • What: A weekly meeting to discuss topics of interest in theoretical astrophysics. The subjects will be theory-related, but all interested participants are welcome.

  • When: Tuesdays 1:30–2:30pm

  • Where: 1003A Kohn Hall (KITP small seminar room). The KITP is usually locked, so participants should come to the door in front of Lot 10 (the north entrance) and a member of the staff will let you in.

  • Organizers: Chaoran Wang, Logan Prust (KITP)


  • Meetings will feature short presentations including, but not necessarily limited to, what locals are working on.
  • Talks will last for 30 minutes in total, roughly divided into 20 minutes for content, and 10 minutes for questions and/or discussion.
  • There will only be two talks per meeting, with a hard stop at 1 hour.
  • The talks will not be recorded or on Zoom, despite the venue being the KITP.
  • Exceptions to the above can be made only in rare cases.

Next Time at the Astrophysics Theory Meeting

    Previously at the Astrophysics Theory Meeting