Celebration at the ASC in Moscow

Building of the
      Astro-Space Center in Moscow
Building of the Space Research Institute (=IKI) and the Astro Space Center in Moscow. The actual ASC facilities are near the middle of the building on the top 2 floors.

Mikhail Popov
      outside the ASC
Mikhail Popov outside the SRI(=IKI)-ASC building. Behind him is an IKI sign-board [in Russian].

Babakin describes
      design and construction of the spacecraft.
Vladimir Babyshkin describes design and construction of the spacecraft.

Kardashev opens the
      celebratory reception with a toast.
Nikolai Kardashev opens the celebratory reception with a toast.

Yuri Kovalev speaks
      at the reception.
Yuri Kovalev speaks at the reception.

Reception in celebration of the successful launch. Left to right: Vladimir Lukash, Leonia Kogan, Vladimir Kurt, Igor Novikov, Valentin Markizov, female visitor, visitor, Georgy Kapilansky, Alexander Smirnov, Wayne Cannon.

Feast at the ASC
Champagne reception at the celebration. Left to right: Alexander Smirnov, 2 visitors, Julia Vetukhnovskaya, Mikhail Popov, Nikolai Kardashev, Vladimir Yakimov, Lout Sondaar, Boris Kreysman, Lydia Chibisova.