FALL 2008
Lecture: MWF 11:00-11:50 in Girvetz 2127
Demonstration Session: Tue 5:30-6:30 in Broida 1640
Discussion: Thu 1:00-1:50 in HSSB 1211
12/8: The "practice final exam" can be found here:
Practice Final (Test)
12/8: The "practice final exam" (with solutions) can be found here:
Practice Final (Answer Key)
12/1: Homework solutions have been posted below to help you study for
the final. Also, here are some practice problems:
HRK Chapter 25 Problem 11
HRK Chapter 26 Problems 1, 8
HRK Chapter 27 Problems 4, 6
HRK Chapter 28 Exercises 4, 25, 27
HRK Chapter 31 Exercise 21
HRK Chapter 32 Exercises 4, 30
HRK Chapter 33 Exercises 12, 35
12/1: Homework 9 solutions can be found here:
HW 9 Solutions
12/1: Homework 8 solutions can be found here:
HW 8 Solutions
12/1: Homework 7 solutions can be found here:
HW 7 Solutions
11/25: Homework 9 has been posted at the bottom of the page.
11/18: Homework 8 has been posted at the bottom of the page.
11/11: Homework 7 has been posted at the bottom of the page.
11/11: Homework 6 solutions can be found here:
HW 6 Solutions
11/11: Homework 5 solutions can be found here:
HW 5 Solutions
11/11: Homework 4 solutions can be found here:
HW 4 Solutions
10/28: Homework 6 has been posted at the bottom of the page.
10/28: Homework 5 has been posted at the bottom of the page.
10/20: Homework 2 and 3 solutions have been posted below to
help you prepare for the midterm:
10/20: Homework 3 solutions can be found here:
HW 3 Solutions
10/20: Homework 2 solutions can be found here:
HW 2 Solutions
10/14: Homework 3 has been posted at the bottom of the page.
10/10: Homework 1 solutions can be found here:
HW 1 Solutions
10/6: Homework 2 has been posted (with a little less math
than HW 1!) at the bottom of this page.
Lecturer: Doug Folsom ( email: )
Office: Broida 6302
Office Hours: M 1:00-3:00, W 1:00-2:00
TA: Lucile Savary ( email: )
Office: Physics Study Room (Broida 1019)
Office Hours: Thu 3:00-5:00, Fri 11:00-12:00
Halliday, Resnick, and Krane Physics, 5th edition, Volume 2
Course Outline:
Physics 23 is a continuation of Physics 20-21-22. This quarter we will introduce electricity and magnetism (E & M). We will cover electric charge and fields, capacitors, DC circuits, and magnetic fields. The lectures will supplement the textbook; we will cover some sections in a different order and introduce extra examples.
Grades will be based on 9 homeworks, 2 midterms, 1 mini-midterm, and a final exam:
Homework: 30%
Mini-Midterm: 10%
Midterms: 30% ( each is worth 15% )
Final Exam: 30%
Homeworks will be due in the Physics 23 box in the PSR at 5pm on Mondays and returned the following Monday. Late homeworks will
receive reduced scores unless prior arrangements have been made with the TA.
Course Schedule: