Dave Sutherland's homepage

I'm a postdoc in the UCSB High Energy Theory group who does particle physics. Prior to this I did a PhD in the High Energy Physics group at the University of Cambridge. My interests are mostly beyond the Standard Model and collider phenomenology: this includes the theoretical implications of existing particle physics experiments, the design of new and novel ones, the use of effective field theories or simplified models to help generically interpret existing data and guide future searches, and so on. I have also worked a tiny bit on the theory of fluids.


List of publications (INSPIRE)


DEFT is a Python package to help with operator manipulations in effective field theory.


I am in Broida 6111.

Department of Physics
Broida Hall, UCSB
Santa Barbara CA 93106-9530

Take the first six letters of dwsutherland and append @ucsb.edu.