16 – Circular Motion and Gravitation
Circular Motion
16.03 Ball on turntable
16.06 Twirl ball(s) on string
16.09 Roll ball into C frame
16.12 Masses on turntable
16.15 Twirl bucket of water
16.18 Centripetal force
16.21 Balls on rotating hoops
16.24 Flattening of rotating bands
16.27 Accelerometer on turntable
16.30 Corks in revolving water-filled jars
16.33 Loop-the-loop
16.36 Toy cars on banked curve
16.39 Cavendish balance
16.42 “Apple and Moon” video
See also the following demonstrations:
08.09 Cube vs. feather
08.12 Ball vs. feather
08.15 Measure free fall
24.24 Clown on tightrope
24.27 Balance balls on ends of rod
24.30 Cantilever
24.33 California board
24.36 Stacked blocks (also listed as 32.12, under Equilibrium and Elasticity)
24.39 Tilting table (also listed as 32.09, under Equilibrium and Elasticity)
24.42 Cone rolls uphill
A video of this demonstration is available (a link is on its page).