Physics 1

Winter 2005

TA:  Lisa Manning

Giant Trebuchet

*Important Notices*
Review Session Guide
updated 3/11/05
Check back here on Tuesday, March 15 for a downloadable final review sheet.

Monday section students: here is a pdf file with a solution to problem 14.6 that does not involve double integrals -- this gives the same answer as the way we did it in class, but is more intuitive.

*Other Notices*

As stated below in the Homework policies section, late homeworks will not be accepted, as solutions are posted immediately after written HW is due.
updated 2/9/05
If you need the ERes password for homework solutions, send me an email with "password" in the subject line.

Study guide for first midterm still available.

Discussion sections: Monday  5:00-6:50 pm

Tuesday  5:00-6:50 pm

Office Hours: Tuesday 8:30-9:15 am

Wednesday 10:00-11:00 am

Located in the Physics Study Center , which is conveniently hidden on the 3rd floor of Broida. Take the elevators to the 3rd floor, walk down the hallway to the left of the conference room that is right in front of you, go through the metal door to the outside walkway. The PSC is then on your right.

Homework Policy:
1) Online submission: Homework is due to be submitted online by 10:45 pm Wednesdays and 4:45 pm Fridays. Links to the CAPA system can be found below.
2) Paper submission: Homework is due to my box in the Physics Study Center by 11:59am on Thursday and 5pm on Friday. Late assignments will not be accepted.
3) Grading: For each paper HW set submitted, I will
  • look over the papers to check for correspondance between your CAPA submissions and your graded homework. If your submitted HW looks nothing like your CAPA submissions or you didn't hand a paper homework in, you get a 0 for the whole assignment
  • grade one problem in its entirety. If you didn't do the problem at all, you get a 0 for the whole assignment. If you did the problem incorrectly, you receive 80% of your CAPA score. If you did the problem correctly, you get 100% of your CAPA score.
  • Solution sets will be available on the ERes website the day after the paper submissions are due.
4) Returning your homework: I will return your graded homework (a week after solution sets are posted) in discussion section.
5)If you think CAPA screwed up, you can ask me to grade your paper submission by hand, with two caveats:
  • You have to ask while I still have the HW set (i.e. within 1 week) 
  • You can only ask me to re-grade two assignments the whole quarter. No exceptions.

Additional resources:
CLAS   (quoting their website)

 "UCSB Campus Learning Assistance Services (CLAS) offers a wide range of tutorial and academic skills programs designed to assist students in attaining mastery of their university course material."
Phys 1   CLAS Group Tutorial: MW  2:00-2:50
TR  1:00-1:50
You can sign up for free group tutorials at CLAS Bldg. 477 (M-F, 9:00AM - 4:00 PM).  Advance signup is required; admittance is first-come, first-serve
Career and Counseling Services

Counseling services are free and confidential. The office offers individual treatment, group counseling and stress management programs.   Also, feel free to come and talk to me, your friendly TA.
CAPA help

Work on CAPA

CAPA current set status


CAPA units and abbreviations

Fygenson's Physics 1 webpage

How to contact me: email:

PSC Office Hours

Office: 6014 Broida

Office extension: x4544
My winter schedule

About me:  I am a second-year graduate student in the physics department.  I was an undergraduate at the University of Virginia, where I got bachelor degrees in physics and mathematics. Before entering graduate school I took a year off to be a snowboard bum/waitress in Silverthorne, Colorado near Breckenridge, Keystone and Arapahoe Basin, so I used to be good at hitting tables and rails before I became a lame graduate student.  I work in Jean Carlson's group on complex systems, which includes work on abstract modeling of forest fires as well as understanding stress in granular materials and glasses and is surprisingly not lame.  I  have been learning how to surf for the past year and a half, and I am a fanatical Bengals football fan  (just wait until next year!)