M51 Imaged by HST in H-alpha, B and V; from Scoville et al. 2001,
AJ, 122, 3017
This course covers the basic physical processes that
regulate the state of diffuse gas in (and around) galaxies. Topics
covered include -- Phases of the ISM; Ionization and Thermal
Equilibrium of Gaseous Nebulae; Absorption Line Studies; Spectral Line
Formation; Properties of Grains and Extinction; Molecular Gas and Star
Formation; Supernova Explosions and Hydrodynamic Shocks. The goal is to
develop the background required to understand current research on the
interplay between star formation and cosmic gas. Recent papers and
review articles will be assigned as readings and discussed in class.
LECTURE: MWF 11:00 - 11:50; GIRV 1108
Prof: Tommaso Treu |
MW 10:00 -11:00 |
Broida 2015-F | 893-3503 | |
TA: Victor Sciortino |
vsciortino@physics.ucsb.edu |
Course Material:
Physical Processes in the ISM, by Spitzer
Radiative Processes in Astrophysics by Rybicki & Lightman
Reader (available at Associated Students)
Class participation and homework 50%
Midterm 20%
Final Exam 30%
Attendance is required. Please note that there will not be early or
make-up exams.
Useful Astro Surf Sites:
http://adsabs.harvard.edu | Papers archive |
http://xxx.lanl.gov/archive/astro-ph | Preprints archive |
http://physics.nist.gov | Atomic Data |
http://www.physics.ucsb.edu/~seminars/astro/ | UCSB Astro Talks |
http://www.stsci.edu/resources/ | Hubble Space Telescope |
http://chandra.harvard.edu/ | Chandra X-Ray Observatory |
http://www.astro.caltech.edu/mirror/keck/ | Keck Observatory |
http://ssc.spitzer.caltech.edu/ |
Spitzer Space Telescope |