
Enzyme Evolution


Performance tradeoffs are ubiquitous in biology (and an essential feature of HOT). Well-studied examples include biomechanics (strength vs. speed), animal behavior (fight vs. flight), and, until recently, enzymes (stability vs. activity). The patterns of stability and activity among naturally-occurring, homologous enzymes have traditionally been attributed to flexibility tradeoffs. However, flexibility is sufficiently complex that it cannot mediate generic tradeoffs outside the active site. Furthermore, enzymes with unnatural combinations of high stability and high activity can be created in the laboratory. These enzymes are exceptionally rare among all possible amino acid sequences, suggesting that evolutionary, not physicochemical, mechanisms are responsible for the stability-activity patterns among natural homologs. Check out these slides for more information.

Evolution of Model Organisms


The relative importance of exogenous and endogenous effects in extinction has been widely debated.  We present a unifying picture based on a biotic community of evolving lattice organisms, where mutation and selection of the fittest leads to the evolution of specialized internal structure reflecting common environmental disturbances.  This is an example of Highly Optimized Tolerance (HOT), a theoretical framework supporting observations of repeatable patterns in the fossil record, in which large extinction events are triggered by rare environmental disturbances, most strongly effecting the most highly evolved, specialized organisms, followed by periods of rapid growth and diversification. Click here for more details.

Evolutionary Lattice Model (ELM)

The relative importance of exogenous and endogenous effects in extinction has been widely debated.  We present a unifying picture based on a biotic community of evolving lattice organisms, where mutation and selection of the fittest leads to the evolution of specialized internal structure reflecting common environmental disturbances.  This is an example of Highly Optimized Tolerance (HOT), a theoretical framework supporting observations of repeatable patterns in the fossil record, in which large extinction events are triggered by rare environmental disturbances, most strongly effecting the most highly evolved, specialized organisms, followed by periods of rapid growth and diversification.
    We present a simple lattice model for evolution.  A collection of lattices are subjected to similar rules as in biological evolution.  That is, in each generation, they multiply to produce greater number of offsprings with random mutations; then the offsprings have to compete for the limited space to survive, which introduce the element of selection.  Random mutation and natural selection lead to highly efficient design of the lattice sturcture.  Because of the transparency of the lattices and the ease of their manipulation, we have a clear visualizaton of the genotype and phenotype, and can study in detail their evolution and their interation.  Also we can ask such questions as the effects of different mutation rates, the structures of the resulting family tree, etc.

    When constructing such a model, even with only minimum structures, we need to quantify some aspects of the evolution process.  One important aspect is the time scale involved.  Our treatment of fitness for these lattice organisms focuses on the interaction between three phenomena and the corresponding time scales: 1) the time scale of large-scale environmental perturbations, from frequently changing seasonal weather, to climate variations, to rare events such as meteor impacts; 2) the time scale on which a species adapts; 3) the time scale for selection based on competition among different organisms. The resulting model exhibits a surprisingly large number of qualitative features which agree with observations, including the emergence of hypersensitivity to rare disturbances which arises for organisms that adapt rapidly to more common events.

    We have aimed for the simplest possible model that captures these key features. Our model consists of a population of organisms, each of which is modeled as a 16x16 square lattice.  We define an upper bound of 1000 on the total population S, so that competition between organisms is associated with competition for space in a community of bounded size.  Each site on each lattice is either occupied or vacant. Contiguous nearest neighbor occupied sites define connected clusters.  The effect of environmental perturbations is modeled by ``sparks'', chosen from a probability distribution P(i,j), which impact each lattice at the same site (i,j). If (i,j) is vacant then nothing happens. However, if (i,j) is occupied the entire connected cluster of occupied sites containing the original sparked (i,j) site ``burns'' and is thus lost. For our numerical simulations we take P(i,j) as exp(-(i+j)/L), where L is1/6 of the lattice size, although our basic conclusions and the features of the resulting design (including sensitivity to changes in the P(i,j)) do not depend on the specific form of the nominal P(i,j).

    The fitness, or yield of a lattice in any generation is the remaining density computed from one spark selected from P(i,j) and applied to this lattice.  Computing yield is a stochastic process: a single spark impacts a single lattice, which mimics fitness evaluated on a noisy landscape with a short time horizon, primarily sampling the most common events.  Highly Optimized Tolerance (HOT) arises when the long-term fitness is maximized using some optimization strategy. Any deliberate design tradeoff between maximizing density and minimizing loss leads to non-generic, structured states with yields well in excess of the corresponding randomly generated configurations. The price paid for the high yields is that the resulting HOT configurations can be extremely sensitive to changes in the P(i,j) away from what was assumed in the design. In our model ``design'' is explored by random mutation and selection on yield.

(1) Independent niches

    We consider a system of organism competing in one niche that has a maximum population size of 1000.  We start with 1000 random lattices.  For each generation a parent lattice produces two offsprings, each with a finite probability of mutation.  Here mutation corresponds to inverting the occupation of a site.  A site has a certain probability to mutate if itself or one of its neighbor is occupied.  A lattice's death rate is min(0, 1- 2Y^2), so for a random lattice, its probability of death is about 1/2 and because there are two offsprings to a parent, the population size is maintained.  Each resulting generation of offspring is then subject to natural selection based on fitness.    When a lattice is considered ``dead'' it is automatically discarded, along with the lowest overall performers until the total size S in a niche is S<=1000.

(a) Initial transient

    The 1000 lattices at the start all have different genotypes, i.e. the 1 or 0 digital code, 1 for occupied sites and 0 for vacant.  The process of initial competition reduces the diversity.  Here we measure the diversity with spread of the genotypes: the average distance between an individual and the average of the collection.

    Below is for the initial transient process.  The total population size in the niche generally goes down initially when some better configured organisms gradually assert themselves.  Then the population size goes back up till it reaches the limit of 1000.  The spread of genotype in a niche, also goes down as the diversity decreases.  However, the minimum spread is somehow connected to the mutation rate, and we see when the mutation rate is low, this spread can go to very small value.  Also shown are the configurations of some individuals and the average configuration in the niche.

(b) Steady state for a uniform niche

    When the niche is subject to uniform hits, the individuals finally adopt some barriers to separate the lattice into small pieces and so to reduce the damage from a hit.  The typical configurations are shown above.  In the steady state, there are still fluctuations in the population sizes, as shown in the plots.  But for a uniform niche, the population generally survive for a long period of time.

(c) Family tree

    The evolution of genotype can be traced by looking at the family tree.  A version of it can be obtained by looking at the alive individuals at a certain time and trace back their parentage.  A common ancestor is usually found.

uniform niche
fast mutation rate
slow mutation rate

The initial transient for a collection of organisms with fast mutation rate in a niche under uniform hits.  A big portion of the original random configurations dies and some with better fitting partterns emerge at last and take over the population.  Diversity tends to decrease, but not dramatically because of the high mutation rate.

The initial transient for a collection of organisms with slow mutation rate in a niche under uniform hits.  A big portion of the original random configurations dies and some with better fitting partterns emerge at last and take over the population.  Diversity decreases dramatically. 

Snapshots at certain time after the initial transient.  Blue is for void and red, ocuppied.  The upper left one is for the average configuration of the whole collection.  Different colors are due to spread caused by mutation, as seen in the different configurations of the three individuals.

Snapshots at certain time after the initial transient.  Blue is for void and red, ocuppied.  The upper left one is for the average configuration of the whole collection.  Because mutation rate is low, the individuals have almost the same configuration.

The steady state.  Ocassionally there is a big drop in the population size.  But most of the time, it just fluctuates.

Similar as that for fast mutation rate.  Only the spread is very small.

The family tree obtained by looking at the alive individuals at the 680th generation and tracing back their parentage.  A common ancestor is found in 100 generations.

Family tree for slow mutators.

The family tree between generation 670 and generation 676.  Red and blue represents offsprings from two different branch.

The family tree between generation 670 and generation 676.  Red and blue represents offsprings from two different branch.


(c) Skewed niche

    When the niche is subject to hits with a probability concentrated in the upper left corner and exponentially decaying towards the lower right corner, the individuals develop barriers close to the upper left corner to defend against the most often hits and lose barriers at the lower right corner.  However, when a rare event happens, the lower right corner suffer a hit, which causes the whole population goes extinct.

skewed niche
fast mutation rate
slow mutation rate

The initial transient for a collection of organisms with fast mutation rate in a niche under skewed hits where most hits are concentrated around the upper left corner.  For most hits, only barriers near the upper left corner are needed and so the big lower right region is unprotected.  Once a rare event happens, a big portion of the population die and after about 160 generations, the species goes extinct. 

Similar story but for slow mutation rate.  Extinction happens after 400 generations.


Snapshots at certain time after the initial transient.  Blue is for void and red, ocuppied.  The upper left one is for the average configuration of the whole collection.  Different colors are due to spread caused by mutation, as seen in the different configurations of the three individuals.

Snapshots at certain time after the initial transient.  Blue is for void and red, ocuppied.  The upper left one is for the average configuration of the whole collection.  Because mutation rate is low, the individuals have almost the same configuration.


(2) Niches with mutation into each other

    Next, we consider the case when the individuals in a niche have certain probability of mutating into the other niche.

(3) For species with different mutation rates

    We study the effects of different mutation rates next.  There are two species in the two niches, one with a much higher mutation rate than the other.  Similiar as in (2), individuals have some small probability of jumping between the niches; also, there is a small probability that a individual can change its mutation rate.  Generally speaking, fast mutators are much better at adapting to new environments by developing new structures and after such structures are developed, slow mutators are much better at keeping them till next big change in the environments.

    Above is the average configuration of the species in the two niches.  In the uniform niche, barriers of a big cross are formed and they are very stable.  Such barriers are not needed in the skewed niche, in which fast mutators are quick in losing unnecessary barriers and pass on the new configuration to slow mutators who take over the niche.  However, when a rare event happens and the lower right corner, the population in the skewed niche is likely to go extinct.

    This is the process of population dynamics.  The green line is for slow mutators in the uniform niche, which dominate that niche most of the time after the optimal configuration is found; the yellow line is for fast mutators in the uniform niche, which is squeezed to very low level because in uniform niche, they do not face new environments.  The red line is for slow mutators in the skewed niche, they also dominate that niche.  However, a rare event can cause the population go extinct and after picking up configuration from the uniform niche, fast mutators outperform when they change the configuration to fit the new environment.  But later when better configuration is found, slow mutators again take over the niche.  Below is a portion of the above plot where we see a transition.