How to Upload Files to a Group Directory on the Physics Web Server

The purpose of this document is to explain how to upload files to a group directory on the webserver, such as a course directory (, and make your files "group writable" so that other people in your group can update them.

Instructions on uploading files to a group directory:

  1. Inform PCS that you need group writable access to your group directory.

  2. Create your web page as you normally would.

  3. Upload your file to your group directory on the webserver as you normally would.

  4. Change the permissions on the file you just uploaded so that it's "group writable" using one of the following methods:

    Using WinSCP:
    • Highlight the file you just uploaded and then right click on it.
    • Select Properties.
    • You will see a window with check boxes for all the permissions.
    • Select "read" and "write" under group.
    • Click OK.

    You will not see the resulting permission change until you log out and log back in. You should see rw-rw---- which means the file is read-writable to both the owner of the file and the group:
    -rw-rw----   1 testuser   pcs             20 Feb  5 16:17  <filename.html>

    5. That's it!

    Please keep in mind that your fellow group members can overwrite your changes when you make your files group writable.

Physics Computer Services,
Last Modified: December 17, 2004