The Physics Webserver

This web page describes how our webserver, is organized and the different ways that you can maintain your web presence.

Webserver Overview

There are at least 5 places that you should be concerned about keeping yourweb information up-to-date.

  1. DEPRECATED: Maintaining your information in the web database that is used to automatically generate some pages.
  2. Maintaining your personal web page.
  3. Maintaining a group or course web page.
  4. Maintaining your research group information.
  5. Providing a link to your research group's home page.

Instructions for maintaining your web presence

  1. Maintaining your information in the web database that is used to automatically generate some pages.

    1. The Physics Department no longer supports automatically generated information.

      Please contact the department office - specifically, the person who worked to hire you. They can update your information.

  2. Maintaining your personal web page.

    You will need to create your personal web pages on another system first, and then transfer them to our webserver. The pathname that you use to transfer your file depends on your method of file transfer. Example transfering your top level home page which must be called "index.html".

    Detailed instructions for transferring files to our webserver are located at

    If you have an account on our webserver, it can be accessed from the web as "". If you want the link to appear on your department page, contact the person who did your hiring paperwork.

  3. Maintaining a group or course web page.

    Research Group Web pages that are maintained on our web servers are done the same way as course web pages. Send mail to to request creation of a Research Group or Course Web directory. Let's use Physics 123A as an example. The group for Physics 123A is phys123A. It can be accessed at The pathname that you use to transfer your file depends on your method of file transfer. Example transfering your top level home page which must be called "index.html".

    Detailed instructions for transferring files to our webserver are located at

    Many times we hare asked to create subdirectories for FallYYYY, WinterYYYY, andSpringYYYY where appropriate.

    Once your course is on the web, you need to let us know so that we can update the links on the "Courses with Web Pages" page the department web server

    Other recommendations: If your target audience is undergraduate students, you should use html documents, jpg images, or pdf documents. These file types are either viewable in most web browsers directly, or are viewable by commonly available helper applications. Check with your students to see if they are able to view other file types before you put them up.

  4. Maintaining your research group information.

    Go to Is your area of research listed under "Department Research Activities"? Click on your area of research. Should the "General Description", "Department Research Activities", or "Research Groups" areas be updated? Click on the specific research project for your name. Should that research description be updated? Should the image for your area of research be changed? If you want to change anything, send mail to including the web page location, and the updates to the current information.

  5. Providing a link to your research group's home page.

    These links show up in two places, on the top level research page, and on the General Description Page for your area of research. First go to the top level research page at Is there a link for your research group listed under "Department Research Group Home Pages"? Next look under your research area listed under "Department Research Activities"and scroll down to the end of the page. Is there a linkfor your research group listed under "Research Groups"? If your research group needs to be listed on one of these pages, send mail to including the web page location, the desired link title, and the location of your research group's home page.

Physics Computer Services,
Last Modified: December 5, 2011