James Hartle's papers on
Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Cosmology

This site collects the author's papers on quantum mechanics and quantum cosmology up to 2013. The fond author sees these papers as connected. They are all related to two questions: How we understand our universe as a whole as a quantum system in a particular quantum state? How do we formulate quantum mechanics so that it applies to the universe as a whole? Some discussion is provided both of these questions and the connections of the papers to them. For a little more on these questions and the organization of the site see the introductory essay.

The site does not contain all of the author's papers. And it is not a review since it contains only the author's papers. The individual papers contain references to other important work.


The material on these web pages is intended as a scientific resource for the private use of individual scholars. None of it may be used commercially. Much of the material is protected by copyright. Requests for permission to make public use of any of the papers, or material therein, should be sought from the original publisher, or from James Hartle, as appropriate. Citations of papers on this site should refer to the original published version, not this web site.