
We have a lotta programs. Along with weekly general meetings, we have seperate meetings for our Journal Club, Competitions, and Mentorship Program.


The Mentorship program is a joint collaboration with UDIP and SPS. Undergraduates can choose to be paired with grad student and upperclassmen mentors. This program will consist of social events, advice within regarding success in and outside of the major, and setting yourself up for the future. Mentorship groups will be 4-5 mentees paired with 2 mentors, typically assigned in the middle of Winter quarter. Look out for an email about joining the mentorship program, either as a mentor or a mentee!

A squirrelly mentor/mentee.

Journal Club

Journal club will be meeting weekly, with meetings alternating between formal presentation and discussion of a specific paper led by a single student, and casual, unstructured meetings where the members can discuss their research interests with each other. We are encouraging physics students at all levels of background to attend! You have the opportunity to lead a discussion on a research paper of your choice!

Meeting Times: TBA

An epic picture of Malibu State Creek Park.


UCSB SPS is running a program for dedicated physics students interested in participating in physics competitions. Fall quarter will be focused primarily on preparing for competitions. We will compete in national physics competitions in the winter and spring. Email our competition chair Montu Ganesh (or show up at a meeting, all are welcome!) for more information.

Meeting Times: TBA

Jesus died for somebody's sins...