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About Me
Other Stuff

David Grabovsky

me irl

I'm David, a fourth-year PhD candidate in the Physics department at UC Santa Barbara. I work on quantum gravity, with a focus on semiclassical three-dimensional gravity and two-dimensional conformal field theory. Many of the tools I use come from holographic duality, a theoretical framework that makes many hard questions accessible and provides insights into universal features of quantum gravity. I am also interested in a broad range of topics including black holes and the interplay between topology, geometry, and physics. Separately, I have also taken a strong interest in teaching. I grew up on the East Coast and got my undergraduate degrees in physics and math from Columbia University, but I've moved out West for the mountains and seaside views, and to enjoy hiking, biking, and the great outdoors. I am also an aspiring pianist, and love to listen to classical music.

My papers can be found on INSPIRE. My advisor is David Berenstein, and his papers can be found on INSPIRE too.

Feel free to contact me by email at davidgrabovsky [at] physics [dot] ucsb [dot] edu.