March 17-19, 2014
Physics Today, April 2013 (Black holes, quantum information, and the foundations of physics)
ESA (The Plank First Year All Sky Survey)
Tom Banks
Zvi Bern
Raphael Bousso
JJ Carrasco
Sean Carroll
Fang Chen
William Donnelly
Willy Fischler
Steve Giddings
Dan Harlow
James Hartle
Tom Hartman
Gary Horowitz
Dan Kabat
P. Lubin
Don Marolf
Kyriakos Papadodimas
Joe Polchinski
Andrea Puhm
Suvrat Raju
Vladimir Rosenhaus
Martin Sloth
Mark van Raamsdonk
Aron Wall
Alexander Zhiboedov
and more...
Hyatt Santa Barbara is located at 1111 East Cabrillo Blvd, on Santa Barbara's famous beachfront, near the Cabrillo Arts Pavilion and East Beach. (A new feature of the area is an "Urban Wine Trail.")