2009-present - Possible Origin of Life between Mica Sheets & a little Atomic Force Microscopy
- H. Greenwood Hansma, Did Biology Emerge from Biotite in Micaceous Clay?, Preprints, 2020090409
Helen Greenwood Hansma, Mechanical Energy before Chemical Energy at the Origins of Life? 2020. Sci, 2, 88.
H G Hansma, Better than Membranes at the Origin of Life. 2017. Life, 7, 28. PDFH G Hansma, The Power of Crowding for the Origins of Life. 2014. Origins of Life and Evolution of Biospheres, 44, 307-311.
H G Hansma, Possible Origin of Life between Mica Sheets: How Life Imitates Mica. 2013. J Biol Struct Dynamics, 31, 888-895.
Helen Greenwood Hansma, Life = Self-Reproduction with Variations? 2012. J Biol Struct Dynamics, 29, 621-622.
H G Hansma & E Oroudjev, Atomic Force Microscopy of Biomaterials, Mica, and the Origins of Life. 2010. Microscopy Today, 6, 16-20, pp 16-20. PDF
H G Hansma, Possible Origin of Life between Mica Sheets. J Theor Biol 2010. 266, 175-188. PDF
Hansma, H. G. 2009. Could Life Originate between Mica Sheets?: Mechanochemical Biomolecular Synthesis and the Origins of Life. In Probing Mechanics at Nanoscale Dimensions. N. Tamura, A. Minor, C. Murray, and L. Friedman, editors. Materials Research Society, Warrendale, PA. II03-15. PDF2004-2008
Chworos, A., I. Severcan, A. Y. Koyfman, P. Weinkam, E. Oroudjev, H. G. Hansma, and L. Jaeger. 2004. Building Programmable Jigsaw Puzzles with RNA. Science 306:2068-2072.
Fantner, G. E., T. Hassenkam, J. H. Kindt, J. C. Weaver, H. Birkedal, L. Pechenik, J. A. Cutroni, G. A. G. Cidade, G. D. Stucky, D. E. Morse, and P. K. Hansma. 2005. Sacrificial bonds and hidden length dissipate energy as mineralized fibrils separate during bone fracture. Nature materials 4:612-616.
Hansma, H. G. 2007. Mica and the Origin of Life: Cells without Membranes. Mol. Biol. Cell 18(suppl):Abstract#1910.
Lauer, M. E., R. Jungmann, J. H. Kindt, S. Magonov, J.-H. Fuhrhop, E. Oroudjev, and H. G. Hansma. 2007. Formation and Healing of Micrometer-Sized Channel Networks on Highly Mobile Au(111) Surfaces. Langmuir 23: 5459 -5465.
Gourdon, D., Q. Lin, E. Oroudjev, H. Hansma, Y. Golan, S. Arad, and J. Israelachvili. 2008. Adhesion and Stable Low Friction Provided by a Subnanometer-Thick Monolayer of a Natural Polysaccharide Langmuir 24:1534 -1540.
2000-2003 - Atomic Force Microscopy of DNA, Spider Silk, & Bacterial Biofilms
Hansma, H. G., Oroudjev, E., Baudrey, S., and Jaeger, L., TectoRNA and Kissing Loops: Atomic Force Microscopy of RNA Structures, J. Microscopy, J. Microscopy, 212, 273–279 (2003) PDF
Sitko, J. C., Mateescu, E. M., and Hansma, H. G., Sequence-Dependent DNA Condensation and the Electrostatic Zipper, Biophysical Journal, 84, 419-431 (2003). PDFBecker, N., Oroudjev, E., Mutz, S., Thompson, J. B., Cleveland,
J., Proksch, R., Hansma, P. K., Hayashi, C., Makarov, D. E., and Hansma, H.,
Molecular Nanosprings in Spider Capture-Silk Threads, Nature Materials, 2, 278-283 (2003).
Oroudjev, E., Danielsen, S., and Hansma, H. G., Surface Biology: Analysis
of Biomolecular Structure by AFM and Molecular Pulling, Nanobiotechnology:
Concepts, Applications, and Perspectives, in press (2003)
Oroudjev, E., C. Y. Hayashi, J. Soares, S. Arcidiacono, S. A. Fossey, and H. G. Hansma. 2003. Nanofiber formation in spider dragline-silk as probed by atomic force microscopy and molecular pulling. In MATERIALS RESEARCH SOCIETY SYMPOSIUM PROCEEDINGS. Cambridge Univ Press. 273-282.
Oroudjev, E., Soares, J., Arcidiacono, S., J. B. Thompson, Fossey, S. A., and Hansma, H. G., Segmented Nanofibers of Spider Dragline Silk: Atomic Force Microscopy and Single-Molecule Force Spectroscopy, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 99, 6460 (2002)
Thompson, J. B., Hansma, H. G., Hansma, P. K., and Plaxco,
K. W., The backbone conformational entropy of protein folding: experimental
measures from atomic force microscopy, J. of Molecular Biology, 322, 645-652
Steinberger, R. E., Allen, A. R., Hansma, H. G., and Holden, P. A., Elongation
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Makarov, D. E., Wang, Z., Thompson, J. B., and Hansma, H. G., Excluded
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J. Chem. Phys., 116, 7760 (2002).
Makarov, D. E., Wang, Z., Thompson, J. B., and Hansma,
H. G., On the interpretation of force extension curves of single protein molecules,
J. Chem. Phys., 116, 7760-7765 (2002).
Lindstrom, U., Chandrasekharan, R., Orbai, L., Helquist, S., Miller, G.,
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Telomeres from DNA Nanocircle Templates, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 99, 25,
15953-8 (2002).
Kindt, J. H., Sitko, J. C., Pietrasanta, L. I., Oroudjev, E., Becker,
N., Viani, M. B., and Hansma, H. G., Methods for Biological Probe Microscopy
in Aqueous Fluids, in Atomic Force Microscopy in Cell Biology, Vol. 68, Jena,
B. P., and Hoerber, H., Eds., pp. 213 (2002).
Hansma, H. G., Clegg, D. O., Kokkoli, E., Oroudjev, E., and Tirrell, M.,
Analysis of matrix dynamics by atomic force microscopy, in Methods in Cell
Biology, 69, Adams, J., Ed., pp. 159 (2002).
Thompson, J. B., Kindt, J. H., Drake, B., Hansma, H. G., Morse, D. E.,
and Hansma, P. K., Bone indentation recovery time correlates with bond reforming
time, Nature, 414, 773 (2001).
Hansma, H. G., Surface Biology of DNA by Atomic Force Microscopy, Ann.
Rev. Physical Chemistry, 52, 71 (2001).
Viani, M. B., Pietrasanta, L. I., Thompson, J. B., Chand, A., Gebeshuber,
I. C., Kindt, J. H., Richter, M., Hansma, H. G., and Hansma, P. K., Probing
protein-protein interactions in real time, Nat. Struct. Biol., 7, 644-647 (2000).
Hansma, H. G., Pietrasanta, L. I., Golan, R., Sitko, J. C., Viani, M.,
Paloczi, G., Smith, B. L., Thrower, D., and Hansma, P. K., Recent Highlights
from Atomic Force Microscopy of DNA, Biological Structure and Dynamics, Conversation
11, 271 (2000).
Hansma, H. G., Pietrasanta, L. I., Auerbach, I. D., Sorenson, C., Golan,
R., and Holden, P. A., Probing biopolymers with the atomic force microscope:
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Chen, C. H., and Hansma, H. G., Basement Membrane Macromolecules: Insights
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Auerbach, I., Sorensen, C., Hansma, H. G., and Holden, P., Physical Morphology
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- Viani, M. B., Schaeffer, T. E., Paloczi, G. T., Pietrasanta,
L. I., Smith, B. L., Thompson, J. B., Richter, M., Rief, M., Gaub, H. E.,
Plaxco, K. W., Cleland, A. N., Hansma, H. G., and Hansma, P. K., Fast imaging
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Pietrasanta, L. I., Thrower, D., Hsieh, W., Rao, S., Stemmann, O., Lechner, J., Carbon, J., and Hansma, H. G., Probing the Sacchromyces cervisiae CBF3-CEN DNA kinetochore complex using atomic force microscopy, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. (USA), 96, 3757 (1999).
Note: Eq. 2 in this paper should read: VMW = (M o / No) (V1 + dV2)
Hansma, H. G., Varieties of imaging with scanning probe microscopes, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 96, 14678-14680 (1999). PDF
Hansma, H. G., Golan, R., Hsieh, W., Daubendiek, S. L., and Kool, E. T., Polymerase Activities and RNA Structures in the Atomic Force Microscope, J. Struct. Biol., 127, 240-247 (1999). PDF
Guthold, M., Zhu, X., Rivetti, C., Yang, G., Thomson, N. H., Kasas, S., Hansma, H. G., Smith, B., Hansma, P. K., and Bustamante, C., Direct observation of one-dimensional diffusion and transcription by escherichia coli RNA polymerase, Biophys J, 77, 2284 (1999).
Golan, R., Pietrasanta, L. I., Hsieh, W., and Hansma, H. G., DNA toroids: stages in condensation, Biochemistry, 38, 14069-14076 (1999). PDF
Revenko, I., and Hansma, H. G., Atomic force microscopy of DNA electrophoresed onto silylated mica, Probe Microscopy, 1, 207 (1998).
Hansma, H. G., and Pietrasanta, L., Atomic force microscopy and other scanning probe microscopies, Current Opinion in Chemical Biology, 2, 579-584 (1998). PDF
Hansma, H. G., Golan, R., Hsieh, W., Lollo, C. P., Mullen-Ley, P., and Kwoh, D., DNA condensation for gene therapy as monitored by atomic force microscopy, Nucleic Acids Res., 26, 2481-2487 (1998). PDF
Hansma, H. G., Bezanilla, M., Nudler, E., Hansma, P. K., Hoh, J., Kashlev, M., Firouz, N., and Smith, B., Left-handed orientation of histidine-tagged RNA polymerase complexes imaged by atomic force microscopy, Probe Microscopy, 1, 117 (1998).
Garcia, R. A., Laney, D. E., Parsons, S. M., and Hansma, H. G., Substructure and responses of cholinergic synaptic vesicles in the atomic force microscope, J. Neuroscience Res., 52, 350 (1998).
Chen, C. H., Clegg, D. O., and Hansma, H. G., Structures and Dynamic Motion of Laminin-1 As Observed by Atomic Force Microscopy, Biochem., 37, 8262-8267 (1998). PDF
Laney, D. E., Garcia, R. A., Parsons, S. M., and Hansma, H. G., Changes in the elastic properties of cholinergic synaptic vesicles as measured by atomic force microscopy, Biophys. J., 72, 806 (1997).
Kasas, S., Thomson, N. H., Smith, B. L., Hansma, P. K., Miklossy, J., and Hansma, H. G., Biological applications of the AFM: from single molecules to organs, Int. J. Imaging Systems and Technology, 8, 151 (1997).
Kasas, S., Thomson, N. H., Smith, B. L., Hansma, H. G., Zhu, X., Guthold, M., Bustamante, C., Kool, E. T., Kashlev, M., and Hansma, P. K., Escherichia coli RNA Polymerase Activity Observed Using Atomic Force Microscopy, Biochemistry, 36, 461-468 (1997). PDF
Hansma, H. G., Kim, K. J., Laney, D. E., Garcia, R. A., Argaman, M., Allen, M. J., and Parsons, S. M., Properties of biomolecules measured from atomic force microscope images: a review, Journal of Structural Biology, 119, 99 (1997).
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Hansma, H. G., Laney, D. E., Revenko, I., Kim, K., and Cleveland, J. P., Bending and motion of DNA in the atomic force microscope, in Biological Structure and Dynamics, Vol. 2, Sarma, R. H., and Sarma, M. H., Eds., Adenine Press, Albany, NY, pp. 249 (1996).
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Hansma, P. K., Cleveland, J. P., Radmacher, M., Walters, D. A., Hillner, P., Bezanilla, M., Fritz, M., Vie, D., Hansma, H. G., Prater, C. B., Massie, J., Fukunaga, L., Gurley, J., and Elings, V., Tapping mode atomic force microscopy in liquids, Applied Physics Letters, 64, 1738 (1994).
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Guthold, M., Bezanilla, M., Jenkins, B., Hansma, H., and Bustamante, C., Following the Assembly of RNA Polymerase-DNA Complexes in Aqueous Solutions with the Scanning Force Microscope, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 91, 12927 (1994). PDF
Note: the AFM-image quality is poor in the pdf.
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Note: the colored figures in the original aren't preserved in the pdf.
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