20 – Work and Energy
20.03 Lever arm (also listed as 28.06, under Rotational Motion, and as 32.03, under Equilibrium and Elasticity)
20.06 Large pulley
20.09 Small pulleys
20.12 Pile driver
20.15 Potential well (also listed as 32.20 -- Neutral, stable and unstable equilibrium, under Equilibrium and Elasticity)
20.18 Parabolic versus skewed parabolic path
20.21 Cart between two springs
20.24 Toy van up incline
20.27 Launch sleeve with compressed spring
20.30 Pogo stick
20.33 Jumping handball
20.36 Stopped pendulum
20.39 Bowling ball pendulum
See also the following demonstrations, under Energy Conversion in chapter 52, Heat and Thermodynamics:
52.29 Four-cycle engine model
52.33 Mechanical equivalent of heat
52.36 Falling weight generator (also listed under 72.15 -- generators do work)
52.39 Bicycle generator (also listed under 72.15 -- generators do work)
52.41 Peltier element
52.42 Thermoelectric fan
52.45 Solar cell-powered motor
52.48 Electrochemical cell (also listed as 64.03, under “Electric Currents ”)