
Summer 2015

Physics 2: Basic Physics

Course Description:
Rotational dynamics and angular momentum; equilibrium and elasticity; periodic motion including LRC electrical circuits; gravitation; fluid mechanics; temperature; thermal expansion; heat and the first law of thermodynamics; heat conduction; kinetic theory of gases; entropy and the second law; heat engines.
Revisions by Young, Freedman and Ford (orginal series written by Francis Sears and Mark Zemansky), University Physics with Modern Physics, 13th edition.

Fall 2014

Physics 20: General Physics

Course Description:
Classical mechanics, kinematics, vectors, Newton's laws, work and energy, conservation laws.
Daniel Kleppner and Robert Kolenkow, An Introduction to Mechanics, Second Edition, Cambridge University Press.
Robert Resnick, David Halliday, Kenneth S. Krane, Physics, Volume 1, Fifth Edition, John Wiley & Sons.

Physics 23: General Physics

Course Description:
Electric charge and electric field, Gauss's law, electric potential, capacitance and dielectrics, current, resistance, electromotive force, DC circuits.
Edward M. Purcell and David J. Morin, Electricity and Magnetism, Third Edition, Cambridge University Press.