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Assignment 1: Chapter 1
Problems: 2, 4, 8 c) and d) ONLY, 14 and word probem:
Write an equation for the radius of a black hole using dimensional analysis. The radius of a black hole can depend on:
1) the gravitational constant, G, which has units of L^3/ ( M T^2 )
2) the mass of the black hole
3) the speed of light
Homework Assignments
Homework is due the next lecture after it is assigned.
Students who do not attempt every HW will fail the class
Assignment 2:
Chapter 2
Problems: 2, 10, 14, 20 and word problem:
Find the dimensions of the gravitational constant G from the following equation:
F = G m1 m2 / (R^2)
R = radius, m1, m2 = mass, F = force
Assignment 5:
Finish the problem from class: 3 masses, find a) the force between masses 2 and 3, and b) the acceleration of the masses.
Chapter 5: Problems: 12,19, 23, 25, 26, 32
Assignment 4:
Chapter 5: Questions 7,21. Problems 4,6
Assignment 3:
Chapter 2, Problems: 11,32,37 a) ONLY
Chapter 5: Question 3
Prove that the two definitions of dot product are equal for a vector A which goes from 0 to the point (a,b) and a vector B which goes from 0 to the point (c,0).