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FireEnv_ Struct Reference

structure stores pointers to functions that retrieve environmental parameters during simulation. More...

#include "FireEnv.h"

List of all members.

Public Attributes

int (*  GetFuelsRegrowthFromProps )(ChHashTable * proptbl, GridData * std_age, GridData ** fuels)
int (*  IsIgnitionNowFromProps )(ChHashTable * proptbl)
int (*  GetIgnitionLocFromProps )(ChHashTable * proptbl, FireYear * fy, List ** rwxylist)
int (*  GetWindAzimuthFromProps )(ChHashTable * proptbl, int month, int day, int hour, unsigned int row, unsigned int col, double * waz)
int (*  GetWindSpeedMpsFromProps )(ChHashTable * proptbl, double fbedhgtm, int month, int day, int hour, unsigned int row, unsigned int col, double * wspmps)
int (*  GetDeadFuelMoistFromProps )(ChHashTable * proptbl, int month, int day, int hour, unsigned int row, unsigned int col, double * d1hfm, double * d10hfm, double * d100hfm)
int (*  GetLiveFuelMoistFromProps )(ChHashTable * proptbl, int year, int month, int day, unsigned int row, unsigned int col, double * lhfm, double * lwfm)
int (*  IsSantaAnaNowFromProps )(ChHashTable * proptbl, int year, int month, int day)
int (*  GetSantaAnaEnvFromProps )(ChHashTable * proptbl, int month, int day, int hour, double * waz, double fbedhgtm, double * wspmps, double * d1hfm, double * d10hfm, double * d100hfm)

Detailed Description

structure stores pointers to functions that retrieve environmental parameters during simulation.

See also:
Check the config file documentation

Definition at line 59 of file FireEnv.h.

Member Data Documentation

int(* FireEnv_::GetDeadFuelMoistFromProps)(ChHashTable *proptbl,int month,int day,int hour,unsigned int row,unsigned int col,double *d1hfm,double *d10hfm,double *d100hfm)

retrieves a (potentially) time and space dependent dead fuel moisture

int(* FireEnv_::GetFuelsRegrowthFromProps)(ChHashTable *proptbl,GridData *std_age,GridData **fuels)

retrieves a (potentially) time and space dependent fuels dataset

int(* FireEnv_::GetIgnitionLocFromProps)(ChHashTable *proptbl,FireYear *fy,List **rwxylist)

retrieves a (potentially) space dependent ignition location

int(* FireEnv_::GetLiveFuelMoistFromProps)(ChHashTable *proptbl,int year,int month,int day,unsigned int row,unsigned int col,double *lhfm,double *lwfm)

retrieves a (potentially) time and space dependent live fuel moisture

int(* FireEnv_::GetSantaAnaEnvFromProps)(ChHashTable *proptbl,int month,int day,int hour,double *waz,double fbedhgtm,double *wspmps,double *d1hfm,double *d10hfm,double *d100hfm)

retrieves a (potentially) time dependent Santa Ana wind direction, speed, and dead fuel moisture

int(* FireEnv_::GetWindAzimuthFromProps)(ChHashTable *proptbl,int month,int day,int hour,unsigned int row,unsigned int col,double *waz)

retrieves a (potentially) time and space dependent wind direction

int(* FireEnv_::GetWindSpeedMpsFromProps)(ChHashTable *proptbl,double fbedhgtm,int month,int day,int hour,unsigned int row,unsigned int col,double *wspmps)

retrieves a (potentially) time and space dependent windspeed in mps

int(* FireEnv_::IsIgnitionNowFromProps)(ChHashTable *proptbl)

retrieves a (potentially) time dependent ignition occurence

int(* FireEnv_::IsSantaAnaNowFromProps)(ChHashTable *proptbl,int year,int month,int day)

retrieves a (potentially) time dependent Santa Ana occurence

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:
Generated at Fri Jun 22 00:46:53 2001 for HFire by doxygen1.2.3 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2000