Upcoming Events

Come back often to check for new additions, or get updates by joining the Google Group mailing list or Facebook group! You can also add our events calendar via ical or click the +Google Calendar link.

Special Lunch Discussions

We held a lunchtime discussion (with free pizza!) on May 23, 2017, on the gender gap in physics and how it affects our department here at UCSB. Many students and faculty joined the conversation.


Throughout the school year we host workshops for undergraduates and graduate students offering advice on a range of topics:

  • What is Research?: we regularly host a workshop to introduce the different areas of physics research and REUs. Check out the slides from our presentation.
  • Applying to Grad School: view the slides with advice and resources for applying to grad school, from another of our regular workshops.

Weekly Lunch

Every Wednesday from 12:30 pm - 1:30 pm (for Winter 2019 - date and time changes every quarter). Bring your lunch to the picnic tables behind Broida for casual conversation and dessert. All are welcome!


We host social events for students, postdocs and faculty, including liquid nitrogen icecream nights, potluck dinners and film nights, often alongside UCSB Physics GradLife.

Guest Speakers

We host regular lunch, tea, and conversation with women in physics visiting UCSB.

Our guest speaker lunches provide students in our department with the opportunity to meet researchers in their field in a conversational setting, and to encourage a dialogue about career and research experiences. We're always looking for suggestions, so if you have a particular guest speaker you'd like to meet, let the WiP committee know!

  • Recently we've hosted: Karin Dahmen, professor at the University of Illinois who studies soft condensed matter physics, Henriette Elvang, a gravitational and string theorist at Michigan; Lisa Manning, a theoretical materials and biophysics professor at Syracuse; Jennifer Ross, an experimental biophysicist at UMass Amherst; and Mina Aganagic, a string theorist at UC Berkeley, among others.
  • Other past visitors have included Tresa Pollock, chair of Materials at UCSB; Lily Childress, postdoc at Yale and former faculty at Bates College; and Miriam Friedel, a UCSB physics alum who pursued a career in consulting.