Max Alan Moritz

Geography, Social Sciences Department
California State Polytechnic University
1 Grand Ave
San Luis Obispo, CA 93407

Phone : 805-756-6261
FAX : 805-756-7019

Currently on research leave:
Fire Regime Dynamics and Complexity
Department of Physics, UCSB



Ph.D. in Spatial Ecology Research Training Grant Program
U.C. Santa Barbara, Geography Department, Summer 1999.
Frank W. Davis, advisor.

"Controls on Disturbance Regime Dynamics:
Fire in Los Padres National Forest"


M.A. in Energy and Environmental Studies
Boston University, 1993
Robert K. Kaufmann, advisor


B.A. in Management Science
U.C. San Diego, 1987
Minor in Computer Science



September 1999 - present: Assistant Professor of Geography, Cal Poly. Developed and taught physical/technical courses in geography; advised students on a variety of spatial/ecological projects; initiated research program focused on analysis of fire regimes and simulation of ecosystem dynamics.

1993 - September 1999: Graduate researcher, Biogeography Lab, U.C.S.B. Aided development of remote sensing simulation model; investigated relationship between fire as an ecological disturbance and environmental variables in Los Padres National Forest; assessed ecological suitability of sites in reserve design model for Los Padres National Forest.

1991-1993: Graduate researcher, Center for Energy and Environmental Studies, Boston University. Developed model of crop production with phenological submodel and spatially explicit biophysical and socioeconomic variables; analyzed nutrient loading to estuary at Waquoit Bay, Massachusetts (NSF LMER site). Part-time work as environmental consultant for The Cadmus Group.

1988 - 1991: Senior consultant, Andersen Consulting, Los Angeles. Performed computer hardware evaluation and software design and implementation; managed team of programmers. Part-time work for the Southern California Association of Governments.



Moritz, M.A. Spatio-temporal analysis of controls of shrubland fire regimes: Age dependency and fire hazard. (in press) Ecology.

Davis, F.W. and M.A. Moritz. 2001. Mechanisms of disturbance, in Encyclopedia of Biodiversity, S. Levin editor, Academic Press.

Romme, W.H., E.G. Everham, L.E. Frelich, M.A. Moritz, and R.E. Sparks. 1998. Are large, infrequent disturbances qualitatively different from small, frequent disturbances? Ecosystems 1:524-534.

Stoms, D.M., M.I. Borchert, M.A. Moritz, F.W. Davis, and R.L. Church. 1998. A systematic process for selecting representative Research Natural Areas. Natural Areas Journal 18:338-349.

Moritz, M.A. 1997. Analyzing extreme disturbance events: fire in Los Padres National Forest. Ecological Applications 7:1252-1262.

Friedl, M.A., F.W. Davis, J. Michaelsen, and M.A. Moritz. 1995. Scaling and uncertainty in the relationship between the NDVI and land surface biophysical variables: an analysis using a scene simulation model and data from FIFE. Remote Sensing of Environment 54:233-246

Sham, C.H., J.W. Brawley, and M.A. Moritz. 1995. Quantifying septic nitrogen loadings to receiving waters: Waquoit Bay, Massachusetts. International Journal of Geographic Information Systems 9:463-473.


Workshops & Meetings

Channel Islands Fire Ecology Workshop, Fire Management Planning for National Park Service at Ventura, California; March 1, 2002.

First Annual Meeting of the Advisory Board, National Center for Spatially Integrated Social Sciences at U.C. Santa Barbara; May 5-6, 2000.

"Comparing Large, Infrequent Disturbances: What Have We Learned?" National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis at Santa Barbara, California; May 19-21, 1996.

Fort Ord Fire Ecology Colloquium, Research and Management Planning for Bureau of Land Management at Fort Ord, California; July 5-6, 1994.


Presentations and Conference Proceedings (presenter underlined)

Moritz, M.A. 2002. "Spatial Analysis of Fire History in California's Shrublands: Quantifying Age Dependency and Fire Hazard" presented at "Society, Fire, Climate and Ecosystems in North America I" session at the Association of American Geographers’ annual meeting, Los Angeles, California; March 17-23, 2002.

Moritz, M.A. 2001. "Spatial variation and age dependency in burning patterns" presented at "Fire suppression impacts in crown fire ecosystems" symposium at Ecological Society of America's annual meeting, Madison, Wisconsin; August 5-10, 2001.

Goldstein, Noah, Jeannette Candau and Max A. Moritz. 2000. Burning Santa Barbara at Both Ends: a study of fire history and urban growth predictions. Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Integrating GIS and Environmental Modeling (GIS/EM4). Banff, Alberta, Canada, September 2-8, 2000; (http://www.Colorado.EDU/research/cires/banff/upload/530/).

Moritz, M.A. and F.W. Davis. 1997. A method for examining patterns in mapped fire histories: identification of homogeneous fire landscapes, in (refereed) Proceedings of Fire in California Ecosystems: Integrating Ecology, Prevention, and Management, San Diego, California; November 17-20, 1997; (

Moritz, M.A., D.M. Stoms, M.I. Borchert, and F.W. Davis. 1997. A proposed protocol for identifying potential Research Natural Areas with Gap Analysis data, in Proceedings of the17th Annual ESRI User Conference, San Diego, California; July 8-11, 1997; (

Moritz M.A. 1995. "Historical trends in natural resource conditions" presented talk at Fire Ecology and Fuels Management in California Wildlands Conference; Sacramento, California; April 5-7, 1995.


Technical Reports

Tyler, C., D. Odion, D. Meade, and M. Moritz. 2000. Factors affecting regeneration of Morro Manzanita (Arctostaphylos morroensis): Reproductive biology and response to prescribed burning. Report for the California Department of Fish and Game, Species Conservation and Recovery Program.

Davis, F.W., J. Walsh, M.A. Moritz, and D.M. Stoms. 1996. A Digital Soils Layer for Los Padres National Forest. Final Report to National Forest Service. U.C. Santa Barbara.

Marcus, M.D., M. Allen-Godin, J.W. Brawley, V.P. Meiers, M.A. Moritz, E.F. Ettlinger, C.H. Sham, C.S. Creager, and J.P. Butcher. 1992. Technical Support for Wetlands Advanced Identification in California Coastal Watersheds: Santa Margarita River Project. Final Report to USEPA Region 9.

[Fire History]


Last updated: <February, 2003>