40 – Vibrations and Waves
Simple Harmonic Motion
40.03 Circular versus mass-spring motion
40.06 Cart between springs
40.09 Mass-spring with scale
40.12 Mass-springs with different spring constants and masses
40.15 Mass-springs in series
and parallel (also listed as 32.33, under Elasticity)
40.18 Circular versus pendular motion
40.21 Pendulums of different lengths and masses
40.24 Torsion pendulum
40.27 Coupled pendulums
40.30 Wilberforce pendulum
Damped Harmonic Motion
40.33 Mass-springs damped in oil, water
40.36 Mass-spring damped by air
40.37 Pendulum damped by air
40.39 Damping of eddy current pendulum
Forced Harmonic Motion and Resonance
40.42 Driven pendulums
40.45 Driven mass-spring
40.48 Resonance frame
40.49 “Tacoma Narrows” video
See also the following demonstrations:
44.33 Speaker over pipes
44.36 Speaker over water-filled tube
44.42 Beaker breaker
40.51 Chaotic pendulum between coils
Traveling Waves
40.54 Waves on cord, tubing, spring
40.55 Bullwhip (also listed as 44.04 under Sound)
40.57 Suspended Slinky®
40.58 Slinky® suspended from ceiling
40.60 Transverse wave machine with free or fixed end
40.63 Transverse wave machine, all sections
40.66 Longitudinal wave machine with free or fixed end
40.69 Ripple tank videos
Standing Waves
40.72 Standing waves on tubing
40.75 Standing waves on cord
40.78 Standing waves on a wire circle
See also the following demonstrations:
40.60 Transverse wave machine with free or fixed end
40.63 Transverse wave machine, all sections
40.66 Longitudinal wave machine with free or fixed end
44.33 Speaker over pipes
44.36 Speaker over water-filled tube
44.39 Rubens flame tube