There are lot of free resources availabe to UCSB Physics students, either through physics specific clubs like SPS, UDIP, and WaGMiP or the larger department/school. We categorize these into Physics, Academic, and Wellbeing/Mental Health resources and list them below. For a comprehensive list of resources, click here.
Physics Resources
- UCSB Physics Discord Hosts course channels for you to talk to your peers as well as the occasional professor AMA!
- Diversity and Inclusion in Physics (UDIP) @ UCSB
- Women and Gender Minorities in Physics (WaGMiP) @ UCSB
- Women in Physics (WiP) @ UCSB
- Out in STEM (oSTEM) @ UCSB
- National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE) @ UCSB
- Society of Asian Scientists and Engineers (SASE) @ UCSB
- Los Ingenieros @ UCSB
- Society of Women Engineers (SWE) @ UCSB
- UCSB Course Catalog
- Future Physics Teaching Assignments Stalk your favorite professors online!
- UCSB Physics Circus Participate in physics outreach at local elementary schools
- Every quarter we host some kind of event aimed at guding new students into research. Some past events include professor talks and emailing workshops, but keep your eye out for more. You can view old slides here.
- We have weekly competition, journal club meetings as well as a mentorship program for new students! For more information, see our programs page. We also host Python, Grad App, and CV/Professional workshops during our weekly meetings. Keep your eye on our events page for upcoming events and to view old slides.
Academic/Professional Resources
- Campus Learning Assistance Services (CLAS) Free drop-in tutoring and writing help for lower-division courses!
- Disabled Students Program (DSP) Get academic accomodations!
- Opening New Doors To Accelerating Success (ONDAS) Resource for first generation students!
- UCSB Ombuds Address campus related concerns confidentially through a third party
- Career Services Online hub for professional events, job/internship fairs
- Undergraduate Research and Creative Activities (URCA) Online hub for research @ UCSB (can be outdated)
- Undergraduate Research @ UCSB Somewhat outdated, but still good info
- Undergraduate Research and Creative Activities (URCA) Online hub for research and funding @ UCSB
- UC LEADS Research funding program for upperclassmen!
- In addition to the free programming workshopss we hold every quarter, there are many good places to learn how to code online, including Codecademy, Kaggle, Udemy, and Youtube. Google search also lists many more than we can name here. Numpy, Scipy, MatPlotLib, and Pandas are essential tools for any physicist. Here are some great notes on the first three.
- UCSB offers free software liscenses for Mathematica, Matlab, Overleaf, etc. UCSB also offers free access to Office 365 products with your UCSB login and Springer Link if you are connecting from UCSB. You can login via Pulse Secure if you are away from campus.
- SPS also has a weekly Math workshop? that meets blah blah blah.
Wellbeing and Mental Health
- Campus, Advocacy, Resources, and Education (CARE) Get help for interpersonal violence (sexual violence, relationship violence, and stalking).
- Resource Center for Sexual and Gender Diversity (RCSGD)
- Resources for Nontraditional Students Child care and priority registration
- Education Opportunity Program Resource for first generation and low-income students
- Health and Wellness Improving student health: reducing stress, increasing sleep, etc
- Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) Mental health services/ADHD screenings
- Mental Health Peer Program Talk with your peers
- Student Health Services Primary care and psyhciatric services
- CalFresh. In addition there are the AS Food Bank and Miramar Food Bank.
- UCSB Basic Needs Hub for basic need resources
- School run and peer run alchohol abuse programs
- Undocumented Student Services For undocumented students or students with undocumented loved ones
- Veteran and Military Services
- Money Matters Basic financial advice and emergency aid.
- Financial Aid and Scholarships
- Housing and Residential Services
- Gaurdian Scholars Program For students who were in the foster care system