28 – Rotational Motion
28.03 Mounted bicycle wheel
28.04 Rigid body motion
28.06 Lever arm (also listed as 20.03, under Work and Energy, and as 32.03, under Equilibrium and Elasticity)
28.09 Arm model
28.12 Wrenches, screwdrivers
28.15 Coconut cracker
28.18 Open door to demonstration preparation area
28.21 Positive and negative moments
Moment of Inertia
28.24 Angular acceleration
28.27 Roll cylinders down incline
28.30 Waggle rods with different moments of inertia
28.31 Spin wheels with different moments of inertia
28.33 Maxwell’s yo-yo
28.36 Yo-yo down incline
28.37 Hinged stick and falling ball
28.38 Center of percussion
Angular Momentum
28.39 Toy train on rotatable track
28.42 Angular momentum of a watch
28.45 Rotatable stool, dumbbells
28.48 Swing bat while standing on rotatable platform
28.51 Rotatable stool, motor, bicycle wheels
28.54 Bicycle wheel as a top
28.57 Bicycle wheel precession
28.60 Maxwell’s top
28.63 Rotating wheel in suitcase
28.66 Constrained gyroscope (gyrocompass)
A video of this demonstration is available (a link is on its page).