VoIP New Telephone System Information


Before you call for service, please review this list

If you still have a phone problem after reviewing this list please send an email message to operator@physics.ucsb.edu with details of your problem.

No dial tone/Red Light is on and display reads "No Service"

  1. Reboot phone
  • Un-plug network cable and re-plug back in, phone will reboot (takes 10-15 seconds) If you unplug the network cable at the telephone, make sure when you plug cable back in to the phone you use the jack on the far right for the LAN connection .
  1. If your phone will still not reboot or gets hung on reboot:
  • Check to see if your computer is plugged in to the second-from-right jack marked with a computer icon, on your telephone, if so, unplug it
  • Leave computer unplugged
  • Reboot phone by unplugging network cable.
  • Plug network cable back in (make sure to use the port on the phone with the jack icon if unplugging cable at the phone)
  • Plug computer back in to the telephone (make sure to plug it in to the jack with the computer icon.
  • If it does not work the first time try again.

Phone only rings once or does not ring at all

  1. Check to make sure ring speaker is not set to quiet setting.
  1. Check to make sure the DND button is not lit on your phone. It will show an icon on the display that looks like a Do Not Enter sign (circle with line through it)
  • Pressing the DND button sends calls to voicemail on first ring if no other phones are set to answer your extension.
  • Be careful with this feature!.