New, Found, Resuscitated, Refurbished or Otherwise Hitherto Uncatalogued Demonstrations


In the course of preparing and maintaining requested demonstrations, I have been finding various apparatus, some working and some requiring repair, that are not currently on the web site. As I repair such things or use them to construct new demonstrations, I will include them on this page. I will also include other new demonstrations as I build or purchase them. (Please note that these go in chronological order, so the newest ones are at the bottom of the page.)

New demonstrations -- Lung Model

Model of the lungs and diaphragm

New demonstrations -- Circular and linear motion machine

Circular and linear motion machine

New demonstrations -- Crossed polarizers with third polarizer

Crossed polarizers with third polarizer

New demonstrations -- Magnetic fields of coils

Magnetic fields of coils

New demonstrations -- Right-hand rule

Right-hand rule model

New demonstrations -- Cartesian divers

Cartesian divers

New demonstrations -- Mariotte bottle

Mariotte bottle

New demonstrations -- Critical point tube

Critical point tube

New demonstrations -- Theremin


New demonstrations -- Magnetotactic bacteria

Magnetotactic bacteria

New demonstrations -- Convection cell

Convection cell

New demonstrations -- Four-cycle engine model

Four-cycle engine model

New demonstrations -- Earth-moon scale model

Earth-Moon scale model

New demonstrations -- Slinky<sup>®</sup> suspended from ceiling

Slinky® suspended from ceiling

New demonstrations -- Bernoulli disc

Bernoulli disc

New demonstrations -- Light-emitting diode

Light-emitting diode (LED)

New demonstrations -- Full-wave rectifier

Full-wave rectifier

New demonstrations -- Bridge rectifier

Bridge rectifier

New demonstrations -- NPN transistor switch

NPN transistor switch

New demonstrations -- PNP transistor switch

PNP transistor switch

New demonstrations -- Cathode ray tube, coil

Cathode ray tube, coil

New demonstrations -- The upper atmosphere of Venus

The upper atmosphere of Venus

New demonstrations -- South pointing carriage (chariot)

South-pointing carriage (chariot)

New demonstrations -- Bullwhip


New demonstrations -- The Meissner effect

The Meissner effect

New demonstrations -- Amazing ice melting blocks

Amazing ice melting blocks

New demonstrations -- Vortx wishing well

Vortx® wishing well

New demonstrations -- Magnetic levitation

Magnetic levitation

New demonstrations -- Atmospheric pressure demonstrator

Atmospheric pressure demonstrator

New demonstrations -- Planck’s constant demonstration

Planck’s constant demonstration

New demonstrations -- Audio signal transmitted via AM laser

Audio signal transmitted via AM laser

New demonstrations -- Bounce balls under table

Bounce balls under table

New demonstrations -- Wimshurst machines

Wimshurst machines

New demonstrations -- Hinged stick and falling ball

Hinged stick and falling ball

New demonstrations -- Electroluminescence


New demonstrations -- Disappearing cylinder

Disappearing cylinder

New demonstrations -- Permanent magnet DC motor

Permanent magnet DC motor

New demonstrations -- Hall effect, new

Hall effect, new

New demonstrations -- Interference of sound waves, phase

Interference of sound waves, phase

New demonstrations -- Drinking birds

Drinking birds

New demonstrations -- Density ball

“Density” ball

New demonstrations -- Solar-lunar eclipse model

Solar/lunar eclipse model

New demonstrations -- Phantom candle

Phantom candle

New demonstrations -- Pendulum damped by air

Pendulum damped by air

New demonstrations -- Magnetometers


New demonstrations -- Gyrocompass

Constrained gyroscope (gyrocompass)

New demonstrations -- Dove prism

Dove prism